Ionic polymer-metal composites: I. Fundamentals M Shahinpoor, KJ Kim Smart materials and structures 10 (4), 819, 2001 | 1627 | 2001 |
Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMCs) as biomimetic sensors, actuators and artificial muscles-a review M Shahinpoor, Y Bar-Cohen, JO Simpson, J Smith Smart materials and structures 7 (6), R15, 1998 | 1534 | 1998 |
Semiconductor nanowires W Lu, CM Lieber Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (21), R387, 2006 | 1100 | 2006 |
Ionic polymer–metal composites: IV. Industrial and medical applications M Shahinpoor, KJ Kim Smart materials and structures 14 (1), 197, 2004 | 891 | 2004 |
Ionic polymer–metal composites: II. Manufacturing techniques KJ Kim, M Shahinpoor Smart materials and structures 12 (1), 65, 2003 | 765 | 2003 |
Ionic polymer–metal composites: III. Modeling and simulation as biomimetic sensors, actuators, transducers, and artificial muscles M Shahinpoor, KJ Kim Smart materials and structures 13 (6), 1362, 2004 | 508 | 2004 |
High-pressure shock compression of solids JR Asay, M Shahinpoor Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 476 | 2012 |
Mechanoelectric effects in ionic gels PG De Gennes, K Okumura, M Shahinpoor, KJ Kim Europhysics Letters 50 (4), 513, 2000 | 466 | 2000 |
A novel method of manufacturing three-dimensional ionic polymer–metal composites (IPMCs) biomimetic sensors, actuators and artificial muscles KJ Kim, M Shahinpoor polymer 43 (3), 797-802, 2002 | 387 | 2002 |
Ionic polymer–conductor composites as biomimetic sensors, robotic actuators and artificial muscles—a review M Shahinpoor Electrochimica Acta 48 (14-16), 2343-2353, 2003 | 384 | 2003 |
The effect of surface-electrode resistance on the performance of ionic polymer-metal composite (IPMC) artificial muscles M Shahinpoor, KJ Kim Smart Materials and Structures 9 (4), 543, 2000 | 383 | 2000 |
Pull-field dynamic displacement and strain measurement using advanced 3D image correlation photogrammetry: Part 1 T Schmidt, J Tyson, K Galanulis Experimental Techniques 27 (3), 47-50, 2003 | 298 | 2003 |
Soft actuators and artificial muscles M Shahinpoor, M Mojarrad US Patent 6,109,852, 2000 | 295 | 2000 |
Micro-electro-mechanics of ionic polymeric gels as electrically controllable artificial muscles M Shahinpoor Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 6 (3), 307-314, 1995 | 283 | 1995 |
Conceptual design, kinematics and dynamics of swimming robotic structures using ionic polymeric gel muscles M Shahinpoor Smart Materials and Structures 1 (1), 91, 1992 | 283 | 1992 |
Synthetic muscle based diaphragm pump apparatuses D Soltanpour, M Shahinpoor US Patent 6,682,500, 2004 | 266 | 2004 |
Biomimetic robotic propulsion using polymeric artificial muscles M Mojarrad, M Shahinpoor Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation 3, 2152-2157, 1997 | 231 | 1997 |
A review of ionic polymeric soft actuators and sensors Y Bahramzadeh, M Shahinpoor Soft Robotics 1 (1), 38-52, 2014 | 205 | 2014 |
Nitric oxide (NO) donor+ cGMP-PDE5 inhibitor as a topical drug for enhanced hair growth M Shahinpoor, D Soltanpour, P Shahinpoor US Patent App. 10/064,698, 2002 | 199 | 2002 |
Ionic polymer sensors and actuators M Shahinpoor, M Mojarrad US Patent 6,475,639, 2002 | 197 | 2002 |