Coordination between posture and phonation in vocal effort behavior A Lagier, M Vaugoyeau, A Ghio, T Legou, A Giovanni, C Assaiante Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 62 (4), 195-202, 2010 | 80 | 2010 |
Application of Automatic Speaker Recognition techniques to pathological voice assessment (dysphonia) C Fredouille, G Pouchoulin, JF Bonastre, M Azzarello, A Giovanni, A Ghio Interspeech, 149-152, 2005 | 77 | 2005 |
Perceval: a computer-driven system for experimentation on auditory and visual perception C André, A Ghio, C Cavé, B Teston International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Barcelona, Spain. UAB …, 2003 | 71* | 2003 |
How to manage sound, physiological and clinical data of 2500 dysphonic and dysarthric speakers? A Ghio, G Pouchoulin, B Teston, S Pinto, C Fredouille, C De Looze, ... Speech Communication 54 (5), 664-679, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
Stimulation of the pedunculopontine nucleus area in Parkinson’s disease: effects on speech and intelligibility S Pinto, M Ferraye, R Espesser, V Fraix, A Maillet, J Guirchoum, ... Brain 137 (10), 2759-2772, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Evaluation of the acoustic and aerodynamic constraints of a pneumotachograph for speech and voice studies A Ghio, B Teston International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, 55-58, 2004 | 51 | 2004 |
Visual and linguistic determinants of the eyes' initial fixation position in reading development S Ducrot, J Pynte, A Ghio, B Lété Acta psychologica 142 (3), 287-298, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
Perceptual evaluation of dysphonic voices: can a training protocol lead to the development of perceptual categories? A Ghio, S Dufour, A Wengler, G Pouchoulin, J Revis, A Giovanni Journal of Voice 29 (3), 304-311, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
La dysarthrie au cours de la maladie de Parkinson. Histoire naturelle de ses composantes: dysphonie, dysprosodie et dysarthrie S Pinto, A Ghio, B Teston, F Viallet Revue neurologique 166 (10), 800-810, 2010 | 41 | 2010 |
C2SI corpus: a database of speech disorder productions to assess intelligibility and quality of life in head and neck cancers V Woisard, C Astésano, M Balaguer, J Farinas, C Fredouille, P Gaillard, ... Language Resources and Evaluation 55 (1), 173-190, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Frequency study for the characterization of the dysphonic voices G Pouchoulin, C Fredouille, JF Bonastre, A Ghio, A Giovanni INTERSPEECH 2007, 1198-1201, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
Botulinum toxin injection and airflow stability in spasmodic dysphonia G Cantarella, A Berlusconi, B Maraschi, A Ghio, S Barbieri Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 134 (3), 419-423, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
Design and development of a speech intelligibility test based on pseudowords in french: Why and how? M Lalain, A Ghio, L Giusti, D Robert, C Fredouille, V Woisard Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63 (7), 2070-2083, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Effects of cognitive impairment on prosodic parameters of speech production planning in multiple sclerosis C De Looze, N Moreau, L Renié, F Kelly, A Ghio, A Rico, B Audoin, ... Journal of neuropsychology 13 (1), 22-45, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
PERCEVAL: une station automatisée de tests de PERCeption et d'EVALuation auditive et visuelle A Ghio, C André, B Teston, C Cavé Travaux interdisciplinaires du laboratoire parole et langage 22, 115-133, 2003 | 30 | 2003 |
Measurement of Tremor in the Voices of Speakers with Parkinson’s Disease M Brückl, A Ghio, F Viallet Procedia Computer Science 128, 47-54, 2018 | 29 | 2018 |
Electroglottography of speakers of Brazilian Portuguese through objective multiparameter vocal assessment (EVA) BS Faria, KV Oliveira, C Reis, A Ghio, ACC Gama Brazilian Journal of otorhinolaryngology 78, 29-34, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Back-and-forth methodology for objective voice quality assessment: from/to expert knowledge to/from automatic classification of dysphonia C Fredouille, G Pouchoulin, A Ghio, J Revis, JF Bonastre, A Giovanni EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2009, 1-13, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |
Carcinologic speech severity index project: A database of speech disorder productions to assess quality of life related to speech after cancer C Astésano, M Balaguer, J Farinas, C Fredouille, A Ghio, P Gaillard, ... Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Automatic evaluation of speech intelligibility based on i-vectors in the context of head and neck cancers I Laaridh, C Fredouille, A Ghio, M Lalain, V Woisard Interspeech, 2943-2947, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |