Bruno Grafe
Bruno Grafe
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, TU Freiberg
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Experimental study on artificially induced crack patterns and their consequences on mechanical excavation processes
P Hartlieb, B Grafe, T Shepel, A Malovyk, B Akbari
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 100, 160-169, 2017
Experimental study on microwave assisted hard rock cutting of granite
P Hartlieb, B Grafe
BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 162 (2), 77-81, 2017
Evaluation of cutting forces in granite treated with microwaves on the basis of multiple linear regression analysis
T Shepel, B Grafe, P Hartlieb, C Drebenstedt, A Malovyk
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 107, 69-74, 2018
Laboratory Research on Alternative Cutting Concepts on the Example of Undercutting
B Grafe, C Drebenstedt
BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 162 (2), 72-76, 2017
Innocrush: New solutions for highly selective process chains
B Grafe, AH Bravo, M Hesse, R Morgenstern, K Rosin, T Schlothauer, ...
Innovation-Based Development of the Mineral Resources Sector: Challenges and …, 2018
Studies on the effect of high power microwave irradiation as a means of inducing damage to very hard rock to reduce the cutting resistance during mechanical excavation
B Grafe, T Shepel, C Drebenstedt, P Hartlieb
Lulea, Sweden, Proceedings Conference Mine Planning and Equipment Selection 11, 2017
Ways towards highly selective mechanical production chains
B Grafe, C Drebenstedt, T Shepel
Proceedings 5th International Colloquium of Non-Blasting Rock Destruction …, 2018
Innovations in mechanical rock excavation at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
B Grafe, T Shepel, C Drebenstedt
Scientific and Practical Studies of Raw Material Issues, 34, 2019
Empirical Evaluation of Cutting Force Component Ratios in the Scope of Material Differentiation during Mechanical Excavation of Rock on the Example of Concrete
B Grafe, C Drebenstedt, P Ehret, A Flutgraben
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