Vinit Sehgal
Hydrologic regionalization using wavelet-based multiscale entropy method
A Agarwal, R Maheswaran, V Sehgal, R Khosa, B Sivakumar, ...
Journal of Hydrology 538, 22-32, 2016
Wavelet bootstrap multiple linear regression based hybrid modeling for daily river discharge forecasting
V Sehgal, MK Tiwari, C Chatterjee
Water resources management 28, 2793-2811, 2014
Effect of utilization of discrete wavelet components on flood forecasting performance of wavelet based ANFIS models
V Sehgal, RR Sahay, C Chatterjee
Water resources management 28, 1733-1749, 2014
Application of multi-scale wavelet entropy and multi-resolution Volterra models for climatic downscaling
V Sehgal, A Lakhanpal, R Maheswaran, R Khosa, V Sridhar
Journal of Hydrology 556, 1078-1095, 2018
Stratified drought analysis using a stochastic ensemble of simulated and in-situ soil moisture observations
V Sehgal, V Sridhar, A Tyagi
Journal of Hydrology 545, 226-250, 2017
Watershed-scale retrospective drought analysis and seasonal forecasting using multi-layer, high-resolution simulated soil moisture for Southeastern US
V Sehgal, V Sridhar
Weather and Climate Extremes 23, 100191, 2019
Global flash drought monitoring using surface soil moisture
V Sehgal, N Gaur, BP Mohanty
Water Resources Research 57 (9), e2021WR029901, 2021
Global Surface Soil Moisture Drydown Patterns
V Sehgal, N Gaur, BP Mohanty
Water Research Research 57 (1), e2020WR027588, 2020
Wavelet regression models for predicting flood stages in rivers: a case study in E astern I ndia
RR Sahay, V Sehgal
Journal of Flood Risk Management 6 (2), 146-155, 2013
Pros and cons of using wavelets in conjunction with genetic programming and generalised linear models in statistical downscaling of precipitation
DA Sachindra, K Ahmed, MM Rashid, V Sehgal, S Shahid, BJC Perera
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 138, 617-638, 2019
Integrating Climate Forecasts with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for High-Resolution Hydrologic Simulations and Forecasts in the Southeastern U.S.
V Sehgal, V Sridhar, L Juran, JA Ogejo
Sustainability 10 (9), 3079, 2018
Effect of hydroclimatological teleconnections on the watershed‐scale drought predictability in the southeastern United States
V Sehgal, V Sridhar
International Journal of Climatology 38, e1139-e1157, 2018
An assessment of physical properties of coal combustion residues wr to their utilization aspects
NK Sharma, S Mitra, V Sehgal, S Mishra
Int. J. Envrion. Pro 2 (2), 31-38, 2012
A non-linear and non-stationary perspective for downscaling mean monthly temperature: a wavelet coupled second order Volterra model
A Lakhanpal, V Sehgal, R Maheswaran, R Khosa, V Sridhar
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 31, 2159-2181, 2017
Wavelet-ANFIS models for forecasting monsoon flows: case study for the Gandak River (India)
RR Sahay, V Sehgal
Water resources 41, 574-582, 2014
Near real-time seasonal drought forecasting and retrospective drought analysis using simulated multi-layer soil moisture from hydrological models at sub-watershed scales
V Sehgal
Virginia Tech, 2017
Auto updating wavelet based MLR models for monsoonal river discharge forecasting
V Sehgal, C Chatterjee
Int. J. Civ. Eng. Res 5, 401-406, 2014
Wavelet-based models for air pollution modelling around coal mining sites in Jharkhand for 1, 3 and 5 day lead time
V Sehgal, B Lal
International Journal Of Environment And Pollution 56 (1-4), 11-27, 2014
Preferential hydrologic states and tipping characteristics of global surface soil moisture
V Sehgal, BP Mohanty
Authorea Preprints, 2023
Global Surface Soil Moisture Drydown Patterns
BP Mohanty, V Sehgal, N Gaur
Authorea Preprints, 2022
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