Sara Garofalo
Sara Garofalo
University of Bologna, Department of Psychology
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Using two-step cluster analysis and latent class cluster analysis to classify the cognitive heterogeneity of cross-diagnostic psychiatric inpatients
M Benassi, S Garofalo, F Ambrosini, RP Sant’Angelo, R Raggini, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1085, 2020
Individual differences in the influence of task-irrelevant Pavlovian cues on human behavior
S Garofalo, G di Pellegrino
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 9, 163, 2015
Gender differences in cognitive Theory of Mind revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation on medial prefrontal cortex
M Adenzato, M Brambilla, R Manenti, L De Lucia, L Trojano, S Garofalo, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 41219, 2017
Revaluing the role of vmPFC in the acquisition of Pavlovian threat conditioning in humans
S Battaglia, S Garofalo, G di Pellegrino, F Starita
Journal of neuroscience 40 (44), 8491-8500, 2020
State-dependent TMS over prefrontal cortex disrupts fear-memory reconsolidation and prevents the return of fear
S Borgomaneri, S Battaglia, S Garofalo, F Tortora, A Avenanti, ...
Current Biology 30 (18), 3672-3679. e4, 2020
Context-dependent extinction of threat memories: Influences of healthy aging
S Battaglia, S Garofalo, G di Pellegrino
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12592, 2018
Mediofrontal negativity signals unexpected omission of aversive events
S Garofalo, ME Maier, G di Pellegrino
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4816, 2014
Mediofrontal negativity signals unexpected timing of salient outcomes
S Garofalo, C Timmermann, S Battaglia, ME Maier, G Di Pellegrino
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29 (4), 718-727, 2017
Individual differences in working memory capacity and cue-guided behavior in humans
S Garofalo, S Battaglia, G di Pellegrino
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7327, 2019
Triggering avoidance: Dissociable influences of aversive Pavlovian conditioned stimuli on human instrumental behavior
S Garofalo, TW Robbins
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 11, 63, 2017
Interaction effect: Are you doing the right thing?
S Garofalo, S Giovagnoli, M Orsoni, F Starita, M Benassi
PLoS One 17 (7), e0271668, 2022
Amyloid-β homeostasis bridges inflammation, synaptic plasticity deficits and cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis
M Stampanoni Bassi, S Garofalo, GA Marfia, L Gilio, I Simonelli, A Finardi, ...
Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 10, 390, 2017
Modulation of cue-guided choices by transcranial direct current stimulation
S Garofalo, S Battaglia, F Starita, G di Pellegrino
Cortex 137, 124-137, 2021
Subliminal determinants of cue-guided choice
S Garofalo, L Sagliano, F Starita, L Trojano, G di Pellegrino
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 11926, 2020
Cortical and striatal reward Processing in Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis
S Garofalo, A Justicia, G Arrondo, AO Ermakova, P Ramachandra, ...
Frontiers in neurology 8, 2017
Altered subcortical emotional salience processing differentiates Parkinson’s patients with and without psychotic symptoms
F Knolle, S Garofalo, R Viviani, A Justicia, AO Ermakova, H Blank, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 27, 102277, 2020
Pavlovian threat learning shapes the kinematics of action
F Starita, S Garofalo, D Dalbagno, LAE Degni, G di Pellegrino
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1005656, 2022
Event-related brain potential signaling unexpected timing of feedback: A source localization analysis
E Magosso, V Forcelli, S Garofalo, G Di Pellegrino, M Ursino
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2015
Theta and alpha power track the acquisition and reversal of threat predictions and correlate with skin conductance response
F Starita, G Pirazzini, G Ricci, S Garofalo, D Dalbagno, LAE Degni, ...
Psychophysiology 60 (7), e14247, 2023
Preliminary evidence on machine learning approaches for clusterizing students’ cognitive profile
M Orsoni, S Giovagnoli, S Garofalo, S Magri, M Benvenuti, E Mazzoni, ...
Heliyon 9 (3), 2023
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