On full abstraction for PCF: I, II, and III JME Hyland, CHL Ong Information and computation 163 (2), 285-408, 2000 | 959 | 2000 |
The effective topos JME Hyland Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 110, 165-216, 1982 | 467 | 1982 |
A term calculus for intuitionistic linear logic N Benton, G Bierman, V De Paiva, M Hyland Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications: International Conference on Typed …, 1993 | 280 | 1993 |
Tripos theory JME Hyland, PT Johnstone, AM Pitts Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge philosophical society 88 (2), 205-232, 1980 | 274 | 1980 |
Combining effects: Sum and tensor M Hyland, G Plotkin, J Power Theoretical computer science 357 (1-3), 70-99, 2006 | 228 | 2006 |
A small complete category JME Hyland Annals of pure and applied logic 40 (2), 135-165, 1988 | 210 | 1988 |
The category theoretic understanding of universal algebra: Lawvere theories and monads M Hyland, J Power Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 172, 437-458, 2007 | 193 | 2007 |
Glueing and orthogonality for models of linear logic M Hyland, A Schalk Theoretical computer science 294 (1-2), 183-231, 2003 | 179 | 2003 |
First steps in synthetic domain theory JME Hyland Category Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference held in Como …, 2006 | 177 | 2006 |
A syntactic characterization of the equality in some models for the lambda calculus M Hyland Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2 (3), 361-370, 1976 | 167 | 1976 |
Game semantics M Hyland Semantics and logics of computation 14, 131, 1997 | 160 | 1997 |
The theory of constructions: Categorical semantics and topos-theoretic models JME Hyland, AM Pitts Contemporary Mathematics 92, 137-199, 1989 | 150 | 1989 |
The discrete objects in the effective topos JME Hyland, EP Robinson, G Rosolini Proceedings of the London mathematical society 3 (1), 1-36, 1990 | 145 | 1990 |
Wellfounded trees and dependent polynomial functors N Gambino, M Hyland International Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs, 210-225, 2003 | 142 | 2003 |
Term assignment for intuitionistic linear logic N Benton, G Bierman, V de Paiva, M Hyland Technical Report 262, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1992 | 133 | 1992 |
The cartesian closed bicategory of generalised species of structures M Fiore, N Gambino, M Hyland, G Winskel Journal of the London Mathematical Society 77 (1), 203-220, 2008 | 130 | 2008 |
Sheaf models for analysis MP Fourman, JME Hyland Applications of Sheaves: Proceedings of the Research Symposium on …, 2006 | 127 | 2006 |
Full intuitionistic linear logic M Hyland, V De Paiva Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 (3), 273-291, 1993 | 118 | 1993 |
Filter spaces and continuous functionals JME Hyland Annals of mathematical logic 16 (2), 101-143, 1979 | 113 | 1979 |
Linear λ-calculus and categorical models revisited N Benton, G Bierman, V De Paiva, M Hyland Computer Science Logic: 6th Workshop, CSL'92 San Miniato, Italy, September …, 1993 | 110 | 1993 |