Renato Calleja
Renato Calleja
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A KAM theory for conformally symplectic systems: efficient algorithms and their validation
RC Calleja, A Celletti, R De la Llave
Journal of Differential Equations 255 (5), 978-1049, 2013
A numerically accessible criterion for the breakdown of quasi-periodic solutions and its rigorous justification
R Calleja, R De la Llave
Nonlinearity 23 (9), 2029, 2010
Fast numerical computation of quasi-periodic equilibrium states in 1D statistical mechanics, including twist maps
R Calleja, R De la Llave
Nonlinearity 22 (6), 1311, 2009
Boundary-value problem formulations for computing invariant manifolds and connecting orbits in the circular restricted three body problem
RC Calleja, EJ Doedel, AR Humphries, A Lemus-Rodríguez, EB Oldeman
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 114, 77-106, 2012
Collision of invariant bundles of quasi-periodic attractors in the dissipative standard map
R Calleja, JL Figueras
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 22 (3), 2012
Resonance phenomena in a scalar delay differential equation with two state-dependent delays
RC Calleja, AR Humphries, B Krauskopf
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 16 (3), 1474-1513, 2017
Breakdown of invariant attractors for the dissipative standard map
R Calleja, A Celletti
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 20 (1), 2010
Computation of the breakdown of analyticity in statistical mechanics models: numerical results and a renormalization group explanation
R Calleja, R Llave
Journal of Statistical Physics 141 (6), 940, 2010
Local behavior near quasi-periodic solutions of conformally symplectic systems
RC Calleja, A Celletti, R de la Llave
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 25 (3), 821-841, 2013
Construction of response functions in forced strongly dissipative systems
RC Calleja, A Celletti, R de la Llave
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A 33 (10), 4411--4433, 2013
Choreographies in the n-vortex Problem
RC Calleja, EJ Doedel, C García-Azpeitia
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 23, 595-612, 2018
Response solutions for quasi-periodically forced, dissipative wave equations
RC Calleja, A Celletti, L Corsi, R De La Llave
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 49 (4), 3161-3207, 2017
KAM quasi-periodic tori for the dissipative spin–orbit problem
R Calleja, A Celletti, J Gimeno, R de la Llave
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 106, 106099, 2022
Computation of domains of analyticity for the dissipative standard map in the limit of small dissipation
AP Bustamante, RC Calleja
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 395, 15-23, 2019
Domains of analyticity and Lindstedt expansions of KAM tori in some dissipative perturbations of Hamiltonian systems
RC Calleja, A Celletti, R De la Llave
Nonlinearity 30 (8), 3151, 2017
Heteroclinic bifurcations and chaotic transport in the two-harmonic standard map
HE Lomelí, R Calleja
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 16 (2), 2006
Periodic solutions of a singularly perturbed delay differential equation with two state-dependent delays
AR Humphries, DA Bernucci, RC Calleja, N Homayounfar, M Snarski
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 28, 1215-1263, 2016
KAM quasi-periodic solutions for the dissipative standard map
RC Calleja, A Celletti, R de la Llave
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 106, 106111, 2022
Torus knot choreographies in the -body problem
R Calleja, C García-Azpeitia, JP Lessard, JD James
Nonlinearity 34.1 (2021): 313. 34 (1), 313–349, 2021
Efficient and accurate KAM tori construction for the dissipative spin–orbit problem using a map reduction
R Calleja, A Celletti, J Gimeno, R de la Llave
Journal of Nonlinear Science 32, 1-40, 2022
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