Salim Masoumi
Salim Masoumi
Geoscience Australia, Australian National University
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Quality assessment of experimental IGS multi-GNSS combined orbits
K Sośnica, R Zajdel, G Bury, J Bosy, M Moore, S Masoumi
GPS Solutions 24 (2), 1-14, 2020
A directional model of tropospheric horizontal gradients in Global Positioning System and its application for particular weather scenarios
S Masoumi, S McClusky, A Koulali, P Tregoning
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2017
Combination and SLR validation of IGS Repro3 orbits for ITRF2020
R Zajdel, S Masoumi, K Sośnica, F Gałdyn, D Strugarek, G Bury
Journal of Geodesy 97 (10), 87, 2023
Harmonic analysis of the ionospheric electron densities retrieved from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC radio occultation measurements
MA Sharifi, A Safari, S Masoumi, A Sam-Khaniani
Advances in Space Research 49 (10), 1520-1528, 2012
Design and implementation of an expert interpreter system for intelligent acquisition of spatial data from aerial or remotely sensed images
A Kiani, H Ebadi, FF Ahmadi, S Masoumi
Measurement 47, 676-685, 2014
Least-squares harmonic estimation of the tropopause parameters using GPS radio occultation measurements
MA Sharifi, A Sam-Khaniani, S Masoumi, T Schmidt, J Wickert
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 120 (1-2), 73-82, 2013
Multi-GNSS orbit solutions from the third IGS Reprocessing
S Masoumi, M Moore
Tour de l’IGS 1st stop online conference. https://files. igs. org/pub …, 2021
Tropopause analysis over the Iranian region using GPS radio occultation data
MA Sharifi, A Sam-Khaniani, M Joghataei, T Schmidt, S Masoumi, ...
Advances in Space Research, 2013
SLR validation of the IGS Repro3 orbits for ITRF2020
R Zajdel, K Sośnica, S Masoumi, G Bury, D Strugarek
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-455, 2023
National Status Reports
G Guerova, G Möller, E Pottiaux, H Brenot, R Van Malderen, ...
Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for Monitoring Severe Weather Events and …, 2020
Transitioning to IGS20-A Case Study with APREF
ARR Riddell, S Masoumi, S McClusky, G Hu
AGU23, 2023
Tide Gauge Benchmark Monitoring Working Group Technical Report 2022
T Schöne, R Bingley, A Craddock, Z Deng, M Gravelle, M Guichard, ...
978-3-03917-064-7, 2023
Multi-GNSS Combination of the Orbits of the Third IGS Reprocessing Effort
S Masoumi, M Moore
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, G026-03, 2020
Next version of the IGS Analysis Centre Coordinator (ACC) combination software
S Masoumi, M Moore
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019
GPS tropospheric modelling: new developments and insights
S Masoumi
PQDT-Global, 2018
A new model of tropospheric directional gradients and its application to investigate specific extreme weather events
S Masoumi, S McClusky, A Koulali, P Tregoning
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18, 13411, 2016
Analysis of the tropopause parameters over the Iranian region using GPS radio occultation measurements
S Masoumi, MA Sharifi, A Sam-Khaniani, M Joghataei, T Schmidt, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, G53A-0892, 2013
Analysis Center Coordinator Technical Report 2022
S Masoumi, U Zannat, T Herring
IGS Central Bureau, 35, 0
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