George Grozev
George Grozev
GW Simulation
Modelling impact of PV battery systems on energy consumption and bill savings of Australian houses under alternative tariff structures
Z Ren, G Grozev, A Higgins
Renewable Energy 89, 317-330, 2016
Decomposition and statistical analysis for regional electricity demand forecasting
C Wang, G Grozev, S Seo
Energy 41 (1), 313-325, 2012
Empirical observations of bidding patterns in Australia's National Electricity Market
X Hu, G Grozev, D Batten
Energy Policy 33 (16), 2075-2086, 2005
Spatio-temporal modelling of electric vehicle charging demand and impacts on peak household electrical load
P Paevere, A Higgins, Z Ren, M Horn, G Grozev, C McNamara
Sustainability Science 9 (1), 61-76, 2014
Analysis of household electricity consumption behaviours: Impact of domestic electricity generation
O Motlagh, P Paevere, TS Hong, G Grozev
Applied Mathematics and Computation 270, 165-178, 2015
NEMSIM: finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using multi-agent electricity modelling
D Batten, G Grozev
Complex Science for a Complex World: Exploring Human Ecosystems with Agents …, 2006
Knowledge-Mining the Australian Smart Grid Smart City Data: A Statistical-Neural Approach to Demand-Response Analysis
O Motlagh, G Foliente, G Grozev
Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities, 189-207, 2015
NEMSIM: Agent-based simulator for Australia's national electricity market
G Grozev, D Batten, M Anderson, G Lewis, J Mo, J Katzfey
SimTecT 2005 Conference Proceedings, 2005
The challenge of adapting centralised electricity systems: peak demand and maladaptation in South East Queensland, Australia
G Quezada, G Grozev, S Seo, CH Wang
Regional Environmental Change 14 (2), 463-473, 2014
Assessment of end-use electricity consumption and peak demand by Townsville's housing stock
Z Ren, P Paevere, G Grozev, S Egan, J Anticev
Energy Policy 61, 888-893, 2013
Modelling future uptake of distributed energy resources under alternative tariff structures
A Higgins, G Grozev, Z Ren, S Garner, G Walden, M Taylor
Energy 74, 455-463, 2014
Cooling energy consumption and reduction effect for residential buildings in South East Queensland, Australia
S Seo, CH Wang, G Grozev
Building and Environment 59, 408-416, 2013
Development of application-specific adjacency models using fuzzy cognitive map
O Motlagh, TS Hong, SM Homayouni, G Grozev, EI Papageorgiou
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 270, 178-187, 2014
Spatial modelling of electric vehicle charging demand and impacts on peak household electrical load in Victoria, Australia
P Paevere, A Higgins, Z Ren, G Grozev, M Horn, C McNamara, YB Khoo, ...
Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), 2012
Impacts of feed-in tariff and metering types on electricity consumption efficiency in Australia
O Motlagh, G Grozev, G Foliente
21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, 2015
Modelling australia’s national electricity market using NEMSIM
P Chand, G Grozev, P da Silva, M Thatcher
Proceedings of SimTecT, 2008
A Neural Approach to Electricity Demand Forecasting
O Motlagh, G Grozev, EI Papageorgiou
Artificial Neural Network Modelling, 281-306, 2016
A neural approach for estimation of per capita electricity consumption due to age and income
O Motlagh, G Grozev, CH Wang, M James
Neural Computing and Applications 28 (7), 1747-1761, 2017
Electric Vehicles: New Problem or Distributed Energy Asset
G Platt, P Paevere, A Higgins, G Grozev
Distributed Generation and its Implications for the Utility Industry, 335-355, 2014
Adaptation to peak electricity demand due to climate change and population growth on the Gold Coast
G Grozev, CH Wang, S Seo, S Egan, M Syme
CSIRO, Melbourne, 2011
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