Mulyana Hadipernata
Mulyana Hadipernata
Researcher of Agricultural Postharvest Technology, Agency for Agricultural Research and Development
在 litbang.pertanian.go.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Mengolah dedak menjadi minyak (rice bran oil)
M Hadipernata
Warta penelitian dan pengembangan pertanian 29 (4), 8-10, 2007
Proses stabilisasi dedak padi (Oryza sativa L) menggunakan radiasi far infra red (fir) sebagai bahan baku minyak pangan
M Hadipernata, W Supartono, MAF Falah
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 1 (4), 2012
Identifikasi fisik, kimia dan mikrobiologi biji kopi luwak sebagai dasar acuan teknologi proses kopi luwak artificial
M Hadipernata, S Nugraha
J Kementer Pertan 372, 117-121, 2012
Effect of D-allulose on rheological properties of chicken breast sausage
M Hadipernata, M Ogawa, S Hayakawa
Poultry Science 95 (9), 2120-2128, 2016
Process technology of luwak coffee through bioreactor utilization
M Hadipernata, S Nugraha
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 102, 012092, 2018
Widaningrum.(2006). Pengaruh Suhu Pengeringan Pada Teknologi Far Infrared Terhadap mutu jamur Merang Kering (Volvariella volvaceae)
M Hadipernata, R Rachmat
Buletin Teknologi Pascapanen Pertanian 2, 0
Improved rheological properties of chicken egg frozen gels fortified by ᴅ‐ketohexoses
M Hadipernata, M Ogawa, S Hayakawa
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 41 (5), e13184, 2017
Rachmat dan Widaningrum. 2006. Pengaruh suhu pengeringan pada teknologi Far Infrared (FIR) terhadap mutu jamur merang kering (Volvariella volvociae)
MR Hadipernata
Buletin Teknologi Pascapanen Pertanian 2 (2), 62-69, 0
Mass Transfer and Diffusion Coefficient of ᴅ-Allulose during Osmotic Dehydration
M Hadipernata, M Ogawa
Journal of Applied Food Technology 3 (2), 6-10, 2016
Agroindustri Padi Terpadu
R Rachmat, S Nugraha, SL Sudaryono, M Hadipernata
Laporan Penelitian Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian, 2004
Effective management system of rice processing industry in Indonesia
R Rachmat, E Rahayu, M Hadipernata, J Kim
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 309 (1), 012009, 2019
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Far Infra Red (FIR) Pada Pengeringan Rempah
R Rachmat, M Hadipernata, D Sumangat
Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian 22 (1), 31-37, 2010
Effect of hypoiodous acid (HIO) treatment on color and pH changes in snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) during room temperature storage
AN Al-Baarri, AM Legowo, ACD Wratsongko, AD Puspitoasih, L Izzati, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 292 (1), 012042, 2019
Preservation of snake fruit cultivar Pondoh (Salacca edulis Reinw.) at cold temperature storage
ACD Wratsongko, AM Legowo, AN Al-Baarri, M Hadipernata, W Broto
Journal of Applied Food Technology 6 (1), 12-14, 2019
Determination hypoiodous acid (HIO) by peroxidase system using peroxidase enzyme
AN Al-Baarri, AM Legowo, SBM Abduh, M Hadipernata, DK Ardianti, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 116 (1), 012043, 2018
Potensi Pengembangan Minyak Dedak Padi di Indonesia
A Budiyanto, M Hadipernata, SI Kailaku
Prosiding Seminar Apresiasi Hasil Penelitian Padi Menunjang P2BN. Buku 2, 2008
Corn germ color detection during storage in kendal regency, central java
AN Al-Baarri, M Hadipernata, AM Legowo, SBM Abduh, AF Pratiwi, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (1), 012034, 2022
Characteristics of rice cooking quality of Ciherang variety during storage
M Hadipernata, N Hidayah, R Rachmat
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (1), 012038, 2022
Inhibition on color changes of raja banana (Musa sapientum) peel using specific acid
AN Al-Baarri, AM Legowo, H Rizqiati, A Hintono, YB Pramono, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 733 (1), 012124, 2021
Sistem Deteksi Cepat Mutu Organoleptik Beras Berbasis Android
M Hadipernata, AS Somantri, M Hayuningtyas, N Hidayah, H Hoerudin
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 9 (4), 167-174, 2020
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