Park Seon Uk
Park Seon Uk
National Institute of Ecology, Research center for Endangered species
在 nie.re.kr 的电子邮件经过验证
Potential climate change effects on tree distributions in the Korean Peninsula: Understanding model & climate uncertainties
KA Koo, SU Park, WS Kong, S Hong, I Jang, C Seo
Ecological Modelling 353, 17-27, 2017
Potential impact of climate change on distribution of warm temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees in the Korean Peninsula
SU Park, KA Koo, WS Kong
Journal of the korean Geographical Society 51 (2), 201-217, 2016
Sensitivity of Korean fir (Abies koreana Wils.), a threatened climate relict species, to increasing temperature at an island subalpine area
KA Koo, WS Kong, SU Park, JH Lee, J Kim, H Jung
Ecological Modelling 353, 5-16, 2017
Potential impact of climate change on distribution of Hedera rhombea in the Korean Peninsula
SU Park, KA Koo, C Seo, WS Kong
Journal of Climate Change Research 7 (3), 325-334, 2016
Future distributions of warm-adapted evergreen trees, Neolitsea sericea and Camellia japonica under climate change: ensemble forecasts and predictive uncertainty
KA Koo, SU Park, S Hong, I Jang, C Seo
Ecological research 33, 313-325, 2018
Effects of climate change on the climatic niches of warm-adapted evergreen plants: expansion or contraction?
KA Koo, SU Park, C Seo
Forests 8 (12), 500, 2017
The effect of interplays among climate change, land-use change, and dispersal capacity on plant redistribution
KA Koo, SU Park
Ecological Indicators 142, 109192, 2022
Prediction of potential habitat of Japanese evergreen oak (Quercus acuta Thunb.) considering dispersal ability under climate change
MS Shin, C Seo, SU Park, SB Hong, JY Kim, JY Jeon, M Lee
Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment 27 (3), 291-306, 2018
Climate-related range shifts of Ardisia japonica in the Korean Peninsula: a role of dispersal capacity
SU Park, KA Koo, C Seo, S Hong
Journal of Ecology and Environment 41, 1-8, 2017
Climate-related range shifts of climate-sensitive biological indicator species in the Korean Peninsula: A Role of dispersal capacity
SU Park, KA Koo, WS Kong
J Climate Change Res 10 (3), 185-198, 2019
Predictors of survival in prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis and extremely high prostate-specific antigen levels. Prostate Int 3 (1): 10–15
KC Koo, SU Park, KH Kim
A review of ecological niche theory from the early 1900s to the present
KA Koo, SU Park
Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology 35 (4), 316-335, 2021
Prioritizing Ecologically Important Areas under Land-Use Changes in Jeju Island, Jeju, Korea
KA Koo, SU Park
Journal of the Korean Geographical Society 55 (3), 253-264, 2020
Evaluation of alternative habitats using habitat suitability index model of Lutra lutra in Banbyeoncheon stream
YJ Shim, SR Kim, KB Yoon, JW Jung, SU Park, YS Park
Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 23 (1 …, 2020
A basic research for the development of habitat suitability index model of Pelophylax chosenicus
YJ Shim, SR Kim, KB Yoon, JW Jung, SU Park, YS Park
Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology 23 (1 …, 2020
기후변화에 따른 멸종위기 야생생물 2 급 백부자의 잠재서식처 변화와 파편화 예측
박선욱, 구경아, 도재화, 정철의
한국기후변화학회지 14 (1), 67-81, 2023
Data on the predictions of plant redistribution under interplays among climate change, land-use change, and dispersal capacity
KA Koo, SU Park
Data in Brief 45, 108667, 2022
생태공학적 기법을 활용한 지역단위 생태계 보호지역 확대방안
구경아, 오일찬, 이현우, 홍현정, 박선욱
기본연구보고서 2018, 1-105, 2018
Climate-related range shifts of Ardisia japonica in the Korean Peninsula: a role of dispersal capacity
박선욱, 구경아, 서창완, 홍승범
Journal of Ecology and Environment 41 (11), 310-317, 2017
기후변화에 따른 송악의 잠재서식지 분포 변화 예측
박선욱, 구경아, 서창완, 공우석
한국기후변화학회지 7 (3), 325-334, 2016
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