Hou Pong Chan
Hou Pong Chan
Language Technology Lab, Alibaba DAMO Academy
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Neural keyphrase generation via reinforcement learning with adaptive rewards
HP Chan, W Chen, L Wang, I King
Proceedings of ACL 2019, 2019
Topic-aware neural keyphrase generation for social media language
Y Wang, J Li, HP Chan, I King, MR Lyu, S Shi
Proceedings of ACL 2019, 2019
Exclusive hierarchical decoding for deep keyphrase generation
W Chen, HP Chan, P Li, I King
Proceedings of ACL 2020, 2020
An integrated approach for keyphrase generation via exploring the power of retrieval and extraction
W Chen, HP Chan, P Li, L Bing, I King
Proceedings of NAACL 2019, 2019
A unified dual-view model for review summarization and sentiment classification with inconsistency loss
HP Chan, W Chen, I King
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
Planet: Dynamic content planning in autoregressive transformers for long-form text generation
Z Hu, HP Chan, J Liu, X Xiao, H Wu, L Huang
Proceedings of ACL 2022, 2022
Zero-shot Faithful Factual Error Correction
KH Huang, HP Chan, H Ji
Proceedings of ACL 2013, 2023
Controllable summarization with constrained Markov decision process
HP Chan, L Wang, I King
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 9, 1213-1232, 2021
Leveraging social connections to improve peer assessment in MOOCs
HP Chan, I King
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion …, 2017
Decoding the silent majority: Inducing belief augmented social graph with large language model for response forecasting
C Sun, J Li, YR Fung, HP Chan, T Abdelzaher, C Zhai, H Ji
Proceedings of EMNLP 2023, 2023
A condense-then-select strategy for text summarization
HP Chan, I King
Knowledge-Based Systems 227, 107235, 2021
Do lvlms understand charts? analyzing and correcting factual errors in chart captioning
KH Huang, M Zhou, HP Chan, YR Fung, Z Wang, L Zhang, SF Chang, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.10160, 2023
Dialogue summarization with supporting utterance flow modelling and fact regularization
W Chen, P Li, HP Chan, I King
Knowledge-Based Systems 229, 107328, 2021
Interpretable Automatic Fine-grained Inconsistency Detection in Text Summarization
HP Chan, Q Zeng, H Ji
Findings of ACL 2023, 2023
Controllable Dialogue Generation with Disentangled Multi-grained Style Specification and Attribute Consistency Reward
Z Hu, Z Cao, HP Chan, J Liu, X Xiao, J Su, H Wu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2022
Multimedia Generative Script Learning for Task Planning
Q Wang, M Li, HP Chan, L Huang, J Hockenmaier, G Chowdhary, H Ji
Findings of ACL 2023, 2022
Trust-aware peer assessment using multi-armed bandit algorithms
HP Chan, T Zhao, I King
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web …, 2016
Meta-review generation with checklist-guided iterative introspection
Q Zeng, M Sidhu, HP Chan, L Wang, H Ji
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14647, 2023
Manitweet: A new benchmark for identifying manipulation of news on social media
KH Huang, HP Chan, K McKeown, H Ji
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14225, 2023
PDSum: Prototype-driven Continuous Summarization of Evolving Multi-document Sets Stream
S Yoon, HP Chan, J Han
Proceedings of WWW 2023, 2023
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