Kimberly F. Luchtenberg
Kimberly F. Luchtenberg
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The 2008 financial crisis: Stock market contagion and its determinants
KF Luchtenberg, QV Vu
Research in International Business and Finance 33, 178-203, 2015
Financial opacity and firm performance: the readability of REIT annual reports
SJ Dempsey, DM Harrison, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 45, 450-470, 2012
Listing agent signals: Does a picture paint a thousand words?
KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler, H Sun
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 59, 617-648, 2019
Did the recent financial crisis impact integration between the real estate and stock markets?
K Luchtenberg, M Seiler
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 20 (1), 1-20, 2014
Do institutional and individual investors differ in their preference for financial skewness?
KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
Journal of Behavioral Finance 15 (4), 299-311, 2014
The effect of exogenous information signal strength on herding
K F. Luchtenberg, M Joseph Seiler
Review of Behavioral Finance 5 (2), 153-174, 2013
REIT performance and lines of credit
D Harrison, K Luchtenberg, M Seiler
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 17 (1), 1-14, 2011
Improving mortgage default collection efforts by employing the decoy effect
DM Harrison, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1-21, 2021
The 2008 financial crisis: Stock market contagion and its determinants. Research in International Business and Finance, 33, 178-203
KF Luchtenberg, QV Vu
How Fair Value Information Changes Portfolio Rebalancing Behavior in the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry
RM Alford, KF Luchtenberg, WD Reddic
Journal of Accounting and Finance 16 (4), 11, 2016
Black tax: Evidence of racial discrimination in municipal borrowing costs
A Eldemire-Poindexter, KF Luchtenberg, M Wynter
Available at SSRN 4064013, 2022
Black tax: evidence of racial discrimination in municipal borrowing costs
A Eldemire, K Luchtenberg, M Wynter
Hutchins Center Working Papers, 2022
Does Homeownership Reduce Wealth Disparities for Low-Income and Minority Households?
A Eldemire, KF Luchtenberg, MM Wynter
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies 11 (3), 465-510, 2022
How much are borrowers willing to pay to remove uncertainty surrounding mortgage defaults?
JT Anderson, S Gibson, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1-23, 2021
Portfolio Management and Earnings Management: Evidence from Property and Casualty Insurers.
RM Alford, KF Luchtenberg, WD Reddie
Journal of Accounting & Finance (2158-3625) 18 (4), 2018
Legal versus psychological contracts: when does a mortgage default settlement contract become a contract?
JT Anderson, DM Harrison, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1-27, 2020
When Junior Lien Zombie loans rise from the dead: An examination of cure rates
M LaCour-Little, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
Journal of Real Estate Research 40 (4), 629-658, 2018
The Role of Profit, Law, and Ethics in Residential Real Estate Investments
M Seiler, V Seiler, D Harrison, K Luchtenberg
Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education 12 (2), 157-171, 2009
Personality and Complex Economic Decision-Making
VA Atanasov, S Gibson, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
Available at SSRN 4418070, 2023
Using Asymmetric Dominance to Resolve Toxic Debt: Combining Online and Field Experiments
JT Anderson, KF Luchtenberg, MJ Seiler
Journal of Real Estate Research 43 (4), 402-418, 2021
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