Robin Blomdin
Robin Blomdin
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On the reconstruction of palaeo-ice sheets: recent advances and future challenges
CR Stokes, L Tarasov, R Blomdin, TM Cronin, TG Fisher, R Gyllencreutz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 125, 15-49, 2015
Boulder height–exposure age relationships from a global glacial 10Be compilation
J Heyman, PJ Applegate, R Blomdin, N Gribenski, JM Harbor, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 34, 1-11, 2016
Glacial geomorphology of the Altai and western Sayan mountains, central Asia
R Blomdin, J Heyman, AP Stroeven, C Hättestrand, JM Harbor, ...
Journal of Maps 12 (1), 123-136, 2016
Evaluating the timing of former glacier expansions in the Tian Shan: a key step towards robust spatial correlations
R Blomdin, AP Stroeven, JM Harbor, NA Lifton, J Heyman, N Gribenski, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 153, 78-96, 2016
Complex patterns of glacier advances during the late glacial in the Chagan Uzun Valley, Russian Altai
N Gribenski, KN Jansson, S Lukas, AP Stroeven, JM Harbor, R Blomdin, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 149, 288-305, 2016
Constraints on the late Quaternary glacial history of the Inylchek and Sary-Dzaz valleys from in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al, eastern Kyrgyz Tian Shan
N Lifton, C Beel, C Hättestrand, C Kassab, I Rogozhina, R Heermance, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 101, 77-90, 2014
Timing and dynamics of glaciation in the Ikh Turgen Mountains, Altai region, High Asia
R Blomdin, AP Stroeven, JM Harbor, N Gribenski, MW Caffee, J Heyman, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 47, 54-71, 2018
Timing of the deglaciation in southern Patagonia: Testing the applicability of K-Feldspar IRSL
R Blomdin, A Murray, KJ Thomsen, JP Buylaert, R Sohbati, KN Jansson, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 10, 264-272, 2012
Re‐evaluation of MIS 3 glaciation using cosmogenic radionuclide and single grain luminescence ages, Kanas Valley, Chinese Altai
N Gribenski, KN Jansson, F Preusser, JM Harbor, AP Stroeven, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 33 (1), 55-67, 2018
Ice surface changes during recent glacial cycles along the Jutulstraumen and Penck Trough ice streams in western Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
JL Andersen, JC Newall, R Blomdin, SE Sams, D Fabel, AJ Koester, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 249, 106636, 2020
Boulder height–exposure age relationships from a global glacial 10Be compilation, Quat. Geochronol., 34, 1–11
J Heyman, PJ Applegate, R Blomdin, N Gribenski, JM Harbor, ...
The glacial geomorphology of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
JCH Newall, T Dymova, E Serra, R Blomdin, O Fredin, NF Glasser, ...
Journal of Maps 16 (2), 468-478, 2020
Ice-dammed lakes and deglaciation history of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in central Jämtland, Sweden
C Regnéll, GP Becher, C Öhrling, SL Greenwood, R Gyllencreutz, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 314, 108219, 2023
Hä ttestrand
CR Stokes, L Tarasov, R Blomdin, TM Cronin, TG Fisher, R Gyllencreutz
C., Heyman, J., Hindmarsh, RCA, Hughes, ALC, Jakobsson, M., Kirchner, N …, 2015
Glacial erosional processes and landforms
R Blomdin, J Harbor
International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and …, 2016
Beskrivning till geomorfologiska kartan Jämtlands län
H Blomdin, Robin, Peterson Becher, Gustaf, Smith, Colby A, Regnéll, Carl ...
Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, 2021
Reply to comment received from J. Herget et al. regarding “Complex patterns of glacier advances during the late glacial in the Chagan Uzun Valley, Russian Altai” by Gribenski …
N Gribenski, S Lukas, AP Stroeven, KN Jansson, JM Harbor, R Blomdin, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 168, 219-221, 2017
Comparison of different methods for dating glacial features in Central Asia
N Gribenski, R Blomdin, M Caffee, D Gaar, J Harbor, C Hättestrand, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8023, 2014
The late glacial history of the Magellan strait in Southern Patagonia, Chile: Testing the applicability of KF-IRSL dating
R Blomdin
Deglaciationsförloppet och isdämda sjöar i Vindelälvens källområde
R Blomdin
文章 1–20