Lecturer Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Universitas Sumatera Utara
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Antidiabetic activity from ethanol extract of Kluwih’s leaf (Artocarpus camansi)
M Marianne, Y Yuandani, R Rosnani
Jurnal Natural 11 (2), 2011
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Kombinasi Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Temu Giring (Curcuma Heyneana) dan Daun Pugun Tanoh (Curanga Fel-Terrae) Menggunakan Metode Diphenyl Picrylhydrazil …
M Marianne, P Patilaya, BT Barus
Talenta Conference Series: Tropical Medicine (TM) 1 (2), 398-404, 2018
Antidiabetic activity of leaves ethanol extract Chromolaena odorata (L.) RM King on induced male mice with alloxan monohydrate
M Marianne, D Lestari, EY Sukandar, NF Kurniati, R Nasution
Jurnal natural 14 (1), 2014
Inhibitory effect of ethanolic extract of Curanga fel-terrae (pugun tano) leaves on acetylcholine muscarinic-3 receptors induced on isolated guinea pig tracheal
U Harahap, DI Husori, S Yuliasmi, P Patilaya, L Laila, BE Prasetyo, ...
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2017
Sosialisasi langkah cuci tangan yang benar guna mewujudkan masyarakat sehat di sman 2 sibolga
S Sumaiyah, M Marianne, ES Nasution, D Pertiwi, SE Nugraha
Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI 4 (1), 129-132, 2020
Isolation compound anti-obesity from the Bark Ara (Ficus racemosa) of Aceh
R Nasution, M Mustanir, I MARzUkI
Oriental Journal Of Chemistry 32 (5), 2693-99, 2016
Antidiabetes activities extract hexane from the peels of Artocarpus camansi Blanco fruit
R Nasution, CN Fitrah, H Helwati, AB Murniana, C Cutchamzurni
Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res 11 (13), 12-17, 2018
β-Amyrin acetate of ethyl acetate extract of the bark plant Artocarpus camansi and its antidiabetic activity.
R Nasution, M Marianne, H Nur
Aktifitas Repellent Nyamuk Lotion Kombinasi Ekstrak Batang Vitex trifolia L. dan N, N-Dietil-Meta-Toluamida
M Mustanir, I Harifsyah
JFI 5 (4), 172-9, 2011
Sunscreen activities of bark Artocarpus heterophyllus against ultraviolet ray (sun protection factor) in lotion formula
B Arifin, R Nasution, S Savila, R Ramadani, H Helwati, M Marianne, ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 8 (A), 461-467, 2020
Antimicrobial activity of hand lotion of flower Mimusops elengi
B Arifin, R Nasution, N Desrianti, M Marianne, H Helwati
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 7 (22), 3748, 2019
Uji aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak etanol fraksi N-Heksan serta fraksi etil asetat daun jamblang (Syzygium cumini L. Skeels) dengan metode DPPH
R Septiani, M Marianne, M Nainggolan
Talenta Conference Series: Tropical Medicine (TM) 1 (2), 361-366, 2018
Profil fitokimia ekstrak etanol daun puguntano [Curanga fel-terrae (Merr.) Lour.)] yang berpotensi sebagai antiasma
U Harahap, P Patilaya, Marianne, Y S, DI Husori, BE Prasetyo, L Laila, ...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi V Lembaga Penelitian …, 2013
Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Biwa (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.) Terhadap DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl)
M Marianne, R Septiani, Y Yuliana
Talenta Conference Series: Tropical Medicine (TM) 1 (3), 086-089, 2018
Isolation of lupeol acetate from fruit peels of Artocarpus camansi
R Nasution, N Muhabbah, H Helwati, M Bahi, M Marianne, U Amna
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research 11 (3), 148-156, 2020
Hepatoprotective activity of the ethanol extract of Curcuma heyneana rhizome on isoniazid and rifampin-induced liver injury rats
M Marianne, U Harahap, PAZ Hasibuan, CM Thampati, HS Harefa
Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology 9 (4), 333-338, 2020
Study on Acute Oral Toxicity of Ethanolic Extract of Annonasquamosa Leaves in Mice (Musmusculus)
AD Utami
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 1 (1), 56-63, 2018
Total Phenolic Content of Ethanol Extract of Artrocarpus camansi Leave and its Effect to SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) Level in Mice
H Asrin, PAZ Hasibuan, M Marianne
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention 8 (3), 101-109, 2018
Hepatoprotective activity from ethanol extract of pugun tano’s leave (Curanga Fel-Terrae [lour.] merr.)
LL Harahap U, Marianne, Yuliasmi S, Patilaya P
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 10, 78-82, 2017
Anti-obesity compounds from the leaves of plants Morus alba (moraceae)
R Nasution, M Mariane, M Roswita
International. Journal of ChemTech Research 8 (10), 228-234, 2015
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