Kats Victor, Кац Виктор Михайлович
Kats Victor, Кац Виктор Михайлович
其他姓名Katz Victor, Kats Viktor, Katz Viktor
在 spbu.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Problems in initiating detonation of disruptive explosives by a high-intensity electron beam
VA Morozov, GG Savenkov, VA Bragin, VM Kats, AA Lukin
Technical Physics 57, 706-710, 2012
ESR in the Earth’s magnetic field as a cause of dislocation motion in NaCl crystals
VI Alshits, EV Darinskaya, VA Morozov, VM Kats, AA Lukin
JETP letters 91, 91-95, 2010
Resonant dislocation motion in NaCl crystals in the EPR scheme in the Earth’s magnetic field with pulsed pumping
VI Alshits, EV Darinskaya, VA Morozov, VM Kats, AA Lukin
Physics of the Solid State 55 (11), 2289-2296, 2013
Resonant dislocation motions in NaCl crystals under EPR conditions in the Earth’s magnetic field with a radio-frequency pump field
VI Alshits, EV Darinskaya, VA Morozov, VM Kats, AA Lukin
Physics of the Solid State 53 (10), 2117-2125, 2011
Impact failure of metallic rings by a magnetic pulse technique
VA Morozov, YV Petrov, AA Lukin, VM Kats, AG Udovik, SA Atroshenko, ...
Technical Physics 56, 797-802, 2011
Resonance magnetoplasticity in the EPR scheme under ultralow magnetic fields
VI Alshits, EV Darinskaya, MV Koldaeva, SA Minyukov, EA Petrzhik, ...
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 78, 1041-1051, 2014
Graphene as a sensitizing additive to high-energy cobalt salt for enhanced initiation by a high-current electron beam
GG Savenkov, VA Morozov, MA Ilyushin, VM Kats
Technical Physics Letters 44, 522-524, 2018
Influence of nanosized semiconducting additives on the properties of energy-storage phase-change materials subjected to a high-intensity electron beam
GG Savenkov, VA Morozov, VA Bragin, VM Kats, AA Lukin
Technical Physics 58, 1025-1028, 2013
Mechanisms of fracture of ring samples made of FCC metals on loading with magnetic-pulse method
V Morozov, V Kats, G Savenkov, A Lukin
AIP Conference Proceedings 1959 (1), 2018
Quantum Effects on the Mesoscale
TA Khantuleva, VM Kats
Particles 3 (3), 562-575, 2020
The effect of shungite additives on electric discharge in ammonium perchlorate
GG Savenkov, VA Morozov, TV Ukraintseva, VM Kats, GG Zegrya, ...
Technical Physics Letters 45, 1001-1003, 2019
Влияние добавок шунгита на электрический пробой перхлората аммония
ГГ Савенков, ВА Морозов, ТВ Украинцева, ВМ Кац, ГГ Зегря, ...
Письма в Журнал технической физики 45 (19), 44-46, 2019
Графен как сенсибилизирующая добавка в энергонасыщенную соль кобальта для усиления воздействия сильноточного электронного пучка
ГГ Савенков, ВА Морозов, МА Илюшин, ВМ Кац
Письма в журнал технической физики 44 (12), 39-44, 2018
Fracture of Metallic Ring Samples under static and dynamic loading
VA Morozov, YV Petrov, AA Lukin, VM Kats, SA Atroshenko, ...
13th International Conference on Fracture 2013, ICF 2013, 1550-1557, 2013
Loading, Deformation, and destruction of cylindrical samples of polymethylmethacrylate and fluoroplastic using an electric explosion of conductors
VA Morozov, VI Bogatko, SA Atroshenko, VM Kats, AR Gazizullina
Technical Physics 65, 221-225, 2020
Моделирование распространения короткого упругопластического импульса в кристаллах NaCl в условиях воздействия слабого импульсного магнитного поля∗
ВМ Кац, ВА Морозов
Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Математика. Механика. Астрономия …, 2011
Special features of short-duration processes in condensed media
TA Khantuleva, VM Kats
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2056 (1), 012031, 2021
Rupture of copper rings by a magnetic-pulse method over a wide range of loading times
SA Atroshenko, VA Morozov, VM Kats, DA Gribanov, YV Petrov
Procedia Structural Integrity 13, 1373-1377, 2018
High-rated loading, deformation and fracture of thick-walled composite cylinders with an electric explosion of wires
V Kats, V Morozov
Procedia Structural Integrity 28, 602-607, 2020
The effect of ionizing preirradiation of energy-saturated materials on their susceptibility to irradiation with a high-current electron beam
GG Savenkov, VA Morozov, MA Ilyushin, VM Kats
Technical Physics 63, 1019-1025, 2018
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