Māris Krievāns
Māris Krievāns
Asoc. profesors, Latvijas Universitāte
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Seismites resulting from high-frequency, high-magnitude earthquakes in Latvia caused by Late Glacial glacio-isostatic uplift
AJT van Loon, M Pisarska-Jamroży, M Nartišs, M Krievāns, J Soms
Journal of Palaeogeography 5 (4), 363-380, 2016
High-resolution orthophoto map and digital surface models of the largest Argentine Islands (the Antarctic) from unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry
K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, J Ješkins
Journal of Maps 16 (2), 335-347, 2020
Subglacial topography and thickness of ice caps on the Argentine Islands
J Karušs, K Lamsters, A Chernov, M Krievāns, J Ješkins
Antarctic Science 31 (6), 332-344, 2019
Does glacial environment produce glacial mineral grains? Pro-and supra-glacial Icelandic sediments in microtextural study
E Kalińska, K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, A Rečs, J Ješkins
Quaternary International 617, 101-111, 2022
Application of unmanned aerial vehicles for glacier research in the Arctic and Antarctic
K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, J Ješkins
ENVIRONMENT. TECHNOLOGIES. RESOURCES. Proceedings of the International …, 2019
Quartz grain features in modern glacial and proglacial environments: A microscopic study from the Russell Glacier, southwest Greenland
E Kalinska-Nartiša, K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievans, A Rečs, R Meija
Polish Polar Research, 2017
Outlines of the Quaternary geology of Latvia
V Zelčs, M Nartišs
Late Quaternary terrestrial processes, sediments and history: from glacial …, 2014
Fine-grained quartz from cryoconite holes of the Russell Glacier, southwest Greenland–a scanning electron microscopy study
EK Nartiša, K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, A Rečs, R Meija
Baltica, 2017
High-Resolution surface and BED topography mapping of Russell Glacier (SW Greenland) using UAV and GPR
K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, J Ješkins
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2020
The Raunis section, central Latvia, revisited: first luminescence results and re-evaluation of a key Baltic States stratigraphic site
E Kalińska, H Alexanderson, M Krievāns
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 102 (4), 376-396, 2020
The thermal structure, subglacial topography and surface structures of the NE outlet of Eyjabakkajökull, east Iceland
K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, J Ješkins
Polar Science 26, 100566, 2020
A brief review of ground penetrating radar investigation results of ice caps on Galindez, Winter and Skua Islands (Wilhelm Archipelago, Antarctica) for the period April 2017 …
A Chernov, K Lamsters, J Karušs, M Krievāns, Y Otruba
Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, 40-47, 2018
First results of glacier monitoring on Woozle Hill (Galindez Island, the Argentine Islands, Antarctica) for the period April 2017–August 2018
A Chernov, J Karušs, K Lamsters, M Krievāns, Y Otruba
12th International Conference on Monitoring of Geological Processes and …, 2018
An erratic dropstone of granodiorite with a water-escape structure from a Weichselian terrace along the River Gauja (NE Latvia)
AJT van Loon, M Pisarska-Jamroży, M Nartišs, M Krievāns
Catena 140, 140-144, 2016
Coastal Development of Daugavgrīva Island, Located Near the Gulf of Riga/Rīgas Līča Piekrastes Krasta Attīstība Daugavgrīvas Salā
L Bērtiņa, M Krievāns, J Burlakovs, J Lapinskis
Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. Natural, Exact …, 2016
Frequent earthquakes recorded in a section with twelve seismites at Rakuti (SE Latvia)
AJ Van Loon, M Pisarska-Jamroży, M Nartiss, M Krievāns, J Soms
6th International INQUA Meeting on Palaeoseismology, Active Tectonics and …, 2015
Detecting the displacement of the Baltic basin’s ancient shorelines by clustering of terrain and distance data along the glacioisostatic uplift axis
E Breijers, E Kalińska, M Krievāns
Séances de la Société préhistorique française 19, 159-172, 2023
A chronology of depositional coastal landforms of the Baltic Sea: Luminescence dating of sandy sediments and patterns of human settlement at the ancient Ventspils Lagoon
E Kalińska, E Breijers, H Alexanderson, M Krievāns, V Bērziņš
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 279, 108135, 2022
Bacterial and archaeal community structure in benthic sediments from glacial lakes at the Múlajökull Glacier, central Iceland
K Lamsters, M Ustinova, L Birzniece, I Silamiķelis, J Gaidelene, J Karušs, ...
Polar Biology 43, 2085-2099, 2020
Sedimentological traces of ice-raft grounding in a Weichselian glacial lake near Dukuli (NE Latvia).
AJ Van Loon, J Soms, M Nartišs, M Krievāns, M Pisarska-Jamroży
Baltica 32 (2), 2019
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