Kajian aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) dalam rangka pemanfaatan limbah kulit manggis di Kecamatan Puspahiang Kabupaten Tasikmalaya E Mardawati, CS Achyar, H Marta Teknologi Industri, Universitas Pajajaran, Bandung, 2008 | 111 | 2008 |
The enzymatic hydrolysis of oil palm empty fruit bunches to xylose E Mardawati, A WERNER, T BLEY, K MTAP, T SETIADI Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 93 (10), 973-978, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Fractal Dimension Analysis of Texture Formation of Whey Protein‐Based Foods R Andoyo, V Dianti Lestari, E Mardawati, B Nurhadi International journal of food science 2018 (1), 7673259, 2018 | 44 | 2018 |
Production of xylitol from corn cob hydrolysate through acid and enzymatic hydrolysis by yeast E Mardawati, R Andoyo, KA Syukra, M Kresnowati, Y Bindar IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 141, 012019, 2018 | 42 | 2018 |
Environmentally friendly starch-based adhesives for bonding high-performance wood composites: a review MI Maulana, MAR Lubis, F Febrianto, LS Hua, AH Iswanto, P Antov, ... Forests 13 (10), 1614, 2022 | 41 | 2022 |
Production of xylitol from oil palm empty friuts bunch: A case study on bioefinery concept M Kresnowati, E Mardawati, T Setiadi Modern Applied Science 9 (7), 206-213, 2015 | 40 | 2015 |
Biorefining of oil palm empty fruit bunches for bioethanol and xylitol production in Indonesia: A review S Suhartini, NA Rohma, E Mardawati, N Hidayat, L Melville Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 154, 111817, 2022 | 39 | 2022 |
Produksi biodiesel dari minyak kelapa sawit kasar off grade dengan variasi pengaruh asam sulfat pada proses esterifikasi terhadap mutu biodiesel yang dihasilkan E Mardawati, MS Hidayat, DM Rahmah, S Rosalinda Jurnal Industri Pertanian 1 (3), 46-60, 2019 | 39 | 2019 |
Karakteristik fitokimia dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak propolis lebah Trigona Sp K Khairunnisa, E Mardawati, SH Putri Jurnal Industri Pertanian 2 (1), 124-129, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |
Microbial production of xylitol from oil palm empty fruit bunches hydrolysate: The effect of glucose concentration E Mardawati, DW WIRA, M Kresnowati, R PURWADI, T SETIADI Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 94 (8), 769-774, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Non-starch contents affect the susceptibility of banana starch and flour to ozonation Y Cahyana, R Titipanillah, E Mardawati, E Sukarminah, T Rialita, ... Journal of food science and technology 55, 1726-1733, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
Starch nanoparticles: Preparation, properties and applications H Marta, DI Rizki, E Mardawati, M Djali, M Mohammad, Y Cahyana Polymers 15 (5), 1167, 2023 | 27 | 2023 |
Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan kulit buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) sebagai masker gel peel off W Utami, E Mardawati, SH Putri Jurnal Industri Pertanian 2 (1), 95-102, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Penerapan Good Manufacturing Practices Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Olahan Pesisir Eretan-Indramayu II Hanidah, AT Mulyono, R Andoyo, E Mardawati, S Huda Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 3 (1), 359-426, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Effects of substrate concentration on bioethanol production from oil palm empty fruit bunches with simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) E Mardawati, AV Putri, T Yuliana, S Rahimah, S Nurjanah, I Hanidah IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 230 (1), 012079, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |
Ozonization technology and its effects on the characteristics and shelf-life of some fresh foods: A review E Sukarminah, M Djali, R Andoyo, E Mardawati, T Rialita, Y Cahyana, ... KnE Life Sciences, 459-470, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Karakter Bioetanol Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dengan Metode Pemurnian Adsorpsi (Adsorpsi Menggunakan Adsorben berupa Zeolit) R Anugrah, E Mardawati, SH Putri, T Yuliani Jurnal Industri Pertanian 2 (1), 113-123, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Study of Ganoderma lucidum in Laccase Production using Corncob and Paddies Straw Substrates on Submerged Fermentation System. T Yuliana, NZ Putri, DZ Komara, E Mardawati, I Lanti, S Rahimah Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 23 (8), 1060-1065, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Karakterisasi produk dan pemodelan kinetika enzimatik αlfa-amilase pada produksi sirup glukosa dari pati jagung (Zea Mays) E Mardawati, BM Harahap, R Andoyo, N Wulandari, DM Rahmah Jurnal Industri Pertanian 1 (1), 11-20, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Fungal production of xylanase from oil palm empty fruit bunches via solid state cultivation E Mardawati, M Kresnowati, R Purwadi, Y Bindar, T Setiadi Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 8 (6), 2539-2546, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |