Collaboration and fuzzy-modeled personalization for mobile game-based learning in higher education C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Computers & Education 144, 103698, 2020 | 329 | 2020 |
Virtual reality in education: a review of learning theories, approaches and methodologies for the last decade A Marougkas, C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Electronics 12 (13), 2832, 2023 | 106 | 2023 |
Mobile game-based learning as a solution in COVID-19 era: Modeling the pedagogical affordance and student interactions A Krouska, C Troussas, C Sgouropoulou Education and information technologies 27 (1), 229-241, 2022 | 104 | 2022 |
Improving quality of educational processes providing new knowledge using data mining techniques M Chalaris, S Gritzalis, M Maragoudakis, C Sgouropoulou, A Tsolakidis Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 147, 390-397, 2014 | 93 | 2014 |
User acceptance of augmented reality welding simulator in engineering training C Papakostas, C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Education and Information Technologies 27 (1), 791-817, 2022 | 92 | 2022 |
Exploration of augmented reality in spatial abilities training: a systematic literature review for the last decade C Papakostas, C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Informatics in Education 20 (1), 107-130, 2021 | 88 | 2021 |
Measuring user experience, usability and interactivity of a personalized mobile augmented reality training system C Papakostas, C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Sensors 21 (11), 3888, 2021 | 85 | 2021 |
A deep learning classification framework for early prediction of team-based academic performance F Giannakas, C Troussas, I Voyiatzis, C Sgouropoulou Applied Soft Computing 106, 107355, 2021 | 84 | 2021 |
Exploring users’ behavioral intention to adopt mobile augmented reality in education through an extended technology acceptance model C Papakostas, C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (6), 1294-1302, 2023 | 66 | 2023 |
Collaborative activities recommendation based on students’ collaborative learning styles using ANN and WSM C Troussas, F Giannakas, C Sgouropoulou, I Voyiatzis Interactive Learning Environments 31 (1), 54-67, 2023 | 66 | 2023 |
A novel teaching strategy through adaptive learning activities for computer programming C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (2), 103-109, 2020 | 64 | 2020 |
Ensemble learning using fuzzy weights to improve learning style identification for adapted instructional routines C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou, I Voyiatzis Entropy 22 (7), 735, 2020 | 60 | 2020 |
Xgboost and deep neural network comparison: The case of teams’ performance F Giannakas, C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou, I Voyiatzis Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 17th International Conference, ITS 2021 …, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
PBURC: a patterns-based, unsupervised requirements clustering framework for distributed agile software development P Belsis, A Koutoumanos, C Sgouropoulou Requirements engineering 19, 213-225, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
Analysis of engineering student data in online higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic Z Kanetaki, C Stergiou, G Bekas, C Troussas, C Sgouropoulou International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) 11 (6), 27-49, 2021 | 46 | 2021 |
Impact of social networking for advancing learners’ knowledge in E-learning environments C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Education and Information Technologies 26, 4285-4305, 2021 | 45 | 2021 |
Grade prediction modeling in hybrid learning environments for sustainable engineering education Z Kanetaki, C Stergiou, G Bekas, S Jacques, C Troussas, ... Sustainability 14 (9), 5205, 2022 | 43 | 2022 |
Fuzzy logic for refining the evaluation of learners’ performance in online engineering education A Krouska, C Troussas, C Sgouropoulou European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research 4 (6), 50-56, 2019 | 43 | 2019 |
Improving learner-computer interaction through intelligent learning material delivery using instructional design modeling C Troussas, A Krouska, C Sgouropoulou Entropy 23 (6), 668, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
Gap between MOOC designers' and MOOC learners' perspectives on interaction and experiences in MOOCs: Findings from the Global MOOC Quality Survey CM Stracke, E Tan, AM Texeira, MCT Pinto, B Vassiliadis, A Kameas, ... 2018 IEEE 18th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |