Viktor Ivashko
Viktor Ivashko
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
在 chnu.edu.ua 的电子邮件经过验证
Diffusionless phase transition with two order parameters in spin-crossover solids
I Gudyma, V Ivashko, J Linares
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (17), 2014
Surface and size effects in spin-crossover nanocrystals
I Gudyma, V Ivashko, A Bobák
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 1-6, 2017
Pressure Tunable Electronic Bistability in Fe(II) Hofmann-like Two-Dimensional Coordination Polymer [Fe(Fpz)2Pt(CN)4]: A Comprehensive Experimental and …
R Li, G Levchenko, FJ Valverde-Muñoz, AB Gaspar, VV Ivashko, Q Li, ...
Inorganic chemistry 60 (21), 16016-16028, 2021
Monte Carlo modeling of ferromagnetism of nano-graphene monolayer within Ising model
V Ivashko, O Angelsky, P Maksimyak
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 492, 165617, 2019
Spin-crossover nanocrystals and Ising model
I Gudyma, A Maksymov, V Ivashko
Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites, and Surface Studies: Selected …, 2015
Study of pressure influence on thermal transition in spin-crossover nanomaterials
IV Gudyma, AI Maksymov, VV Ivashko
Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 1-6, 2014
Spin-crossover molecular solids beyond rigid crystal approximation
IV Gudyma, VV Ivashko
Nanoscale Research Letters 11, 1-8, 2016
The joint effect of elasticity, interaction energy and entropy on behavior of pressure-and temperature-induced electronic bistability in a family of two-dimensional Hofman-like …
R Li, G Levchenko, FJ Valverde-Muñoz, AB Gaspar, VV Ivashko, Q Li, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10 (31), 11388-11400, 2022
Properties of 2D hexagonal spin-crossover nanosystem: a Monte Carlo study
V Ivashko, O Angelsky
Applied Nanoscience 10, 4487-4493, 2020
Magnetic properties of single-walled carbon nanotube with mixed spins: Monte Carlo study
O Angelsky, V Ivashko, P Maksimyak
Low-Dimensional Materials and Devices 2020 11465, 64-69, 2020
Pressure effect on hysteresis in spin-crossover solid materials
I Gudyma, V Ivashko, M Dimian
Physica B: Condensed Matter 486, 40-43, 2016
Review of approaches to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, remote sensing and geographic information systems in humanitarian demining: Ukrainian case
T Hutsul, M Khobzei, V Tkach, O Krulikovskyi, O Moisiuk, V Ivashko, ...
Heliyon, 2024
Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic properties of AA and AB stacked nano-graphene bilayer within Ising-like model
OV Angelsky, VV Ivashko, PP Maksimyak
Fourteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics 11369, 86-92, 2020
Study of magnetic properties of a nano-graphene monolayer within Ising ferromagnetic model with mixed spins
OV Angelsky, VV Ivashko, PP Maksimyak
Low-Dimensional Materials and Devices 2019 11085, 79-83, 2019
Absorption of light by a monolayer graphene-water complex
OV Angelsky, VV Brus, VV Ivashko, AP Maksimyak, PP Maksimyak
Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies …, 2018
Anomalous light absorption by a monolayer graphene-water complex
OV Angelsky, VV Brus, VV Ivashko, AP Maksimyak, PP Maksimyak
Nanophotonic Materials XV 10720, 66-70, 2018
Ризик-менеджмент та маркетинг в ІТ-галузі для аналізу курсу і прогнозування товарних грошей
ДІ Угрин, ЮО Ушенко, СФ Шевчук, АЯ Довгунь, МЛ Ковальчук, ...
Оптико-електроннi iнформацiйно-енергетичнi технологiї 47 (1), 17-27, 2024
Spin crossover nanomaterials as possible basis for modern electronic device
V Ivashko, O Krulikovskyi, S Haliuk, I Safronov, A Samila
Sixteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics 12938, 7-12, 2024
Role of the impurities in 2D spin crossover nanoparticle: Monte Carlo study
V Ivashko, O Krulikovskyi, A Samila
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State 24 (3), 509-514, 2023
Properties of 2D hexagonal spin-crossover nanosystem: a Monte Carlo study
O Angelsky, V Ivashko
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