Andrew Blanchard
Andrew Blanchard
在 amgen.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Bacterial social interactions drive the emergence of differential spatial colony structures
AE Blanchard, T Lu
BMC systems biology 9, 1-13, 2015
An integrative circuit–host modelling framework for predicting synthetic gene network behaviours
C Liao, AE Blanchard, T Lu
Nature microbiology 2 (12), 1658-1666, 2017
Engineering robust and tunable spatial structures with synthetic gene circuits
W Kong, AE Blanchard, C Liao, T Lu
Nucleic acids research 45 (2), 1005-1014, 2017
Spatial interference scale as a determinant of microbial range expansion
V Celik Ozgen, W Kong, AE Blanchard, F Liu, T Lu
Science advances 4 (11), eaau0695, 2018
Using GANs with adaptive training data to search for new molecules
AE Blanchard, C Stanley, D Bhowmik
Journal of cheminformatics 13, 1-8, 2021
A highly tilted membrane configuration for the prefusion state of synaptobrevin
AE Blanchard, MJ Arcario, K Schulten, E Tajkhorshid
Biophysical journal 107 (9), 2112-2121, 2014
An ecological understanding of quorum sensing-controlled bacteriocin synthesis
AE Blanchard, C Liao, T Lu
Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 9, 443-454, 2016
Engineered genetic information processing circuits
H Qi, A Blanchard, T Lu
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 5 (3), 273-287, 2013
Extinction, coexistence, and localized patterns of a bacterial population with contact-dependent inhibition
AE Blanchard, V Celik, T Lu
BMC systems biology 8, 1-13, 2014
Slow and steady wins the race: a bacterial exploitative competition strategy in fluctuating environments
J Mao, AE Blanchard, T Lu
ACS synthetic biology 4 (3), 240-248, 2015
Language models for the prediction of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors
AE Blanchard, J Gounley, D Bhowmik, M Chandra Shekar, I Lyngaas, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 36 (5-6 …, 2022
Circuit-host coupling induces multifaceted behavioral modulations of a gene switch
AE Blanchard, C Liao, T Lu
Biophysical journal 114 (3), 737-746, 2018
Automating genetic algorithm mutations for molecules using a masked language model
AE Blanchard, MC Shekar, S Gao, J Gounley, I Lyngaas, J Glaser, ...
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 26 (4), 793-799, 2022
Adaptive language model training for molecular design
AE Blanchard, D Bhowmik, Z Fox, J Gounley, J Glaser, BS Akpa, S Irle
Journal of Cheminformatics 15 (1), 59, 2023
Scalable training of graph convolutional neural networks for fast and accurate predictions of homo-lumo gap in molecules
JY Choi, P Zhang, K Mehta, A Blanchard, M Lupo Pasini
Journal of Cheminformatics 14 (1), 70, 2022
Optimal vocabulary selection approaches for privacy-preserving deep NLP model training for information extraction and cancer epidemiology
HJ Yoon, C Stanley, JB Christian, HB Klasky, AE Blanchard, EB Durbin, ...
Cancer Biomarkers 33 (2), 185-198, 2022
A keyword-enhanced approach to handle class imbalance in clinical text classification
AE Blanchard, S Gao, HJ Yoon, JB Christian, EB Durbin, XC Wu, A Stroup, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 26 (6), 2796-2803, 2022
Repulsive expansion dynamics in colony growth and gene expression
Y Cao, J Neu, AE Blanchard, T Lu, L You
PLoS computational biology 17 (3), e1008168, 2021
Using ensembles and distillation to optimize the deployment of deep learning models for the classification of electronic cancer pathology reports
K De Angeli, S Gao, A Blanchard, EB Durbin, XC Wu, A Stroup, J Doherty, ...
JAMIA open 5 (3), ooac075, 2022
Computational workflow for accelerated molecular design using quantum chemical simulations and deep learning models
AE Blanchard, P Zhang, D Bhowmik, K Mehta, J Gounley, ST Reeve, ...
Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference, 3-19, 2022
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