Tomi Apra Santosa (ORCID ID:0000-0002-2888-4624; ID SINTA: 6845542; Research ID WOS:AAC-6623-2021
Tomi Apra Santosa (ORCID ID:0000-0002-2888-4624; ID SINTA: 6845542; Research ID WOS:AAC-6623-2021
Dosen Teknik Sipil, Akademi Teknik Adi Karya
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Meta-analysis: The Effectiveness of the Integrated STEM Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge Learning Model on the 21st Century Skills of High School Students in the …
TAS Zulkifli, Agus Supriyadi, Erwinsyah Satria
Internasional Journal of Education and Literature 1 (2), 68, 2022
Literature study: Utilization of the PjBL model in science education to improve creativity and critical thinking skills
Z Zulyusri, I Elfira, L Lufri, TA Santosa
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9 (1), 133-143, 2023
Meta-Analysis: The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning on Multiple Intelligences and Student Character Education During the Covid-19 Period
TAS Karlini Oktarina, Suhaimi
IJECA: International Journal of Education & Curriculum Application 4 (3), 1-12, 2021
The effectiveness of STEM-based learning in teaching 21 st century skills in generation Z student in science learning: A meta-analysis
I Ichsan, Y Suharyat, TA Santosa, E Satria
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9 (1), 150-166, 2023
Meta-analisis: Pengaruh soal HOTS (higher order thinking skill) terhadap kemampuan literasi sains dan lesson study siswa pada materi ekologi dan lingkungan pada masa pandemi …
A Razak, TA Santosa, L Lufri, Z Zulyusri
Bioedusiana: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 6 (1), 79-87, 2021
Meta-Analisis Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Ketrampilan Abad-21 Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPA
KNA Yayat Suharyat, Ichsan, Erwinsyah Satria, Tomi Apra Santosa
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling 4 (5), 5081-5088, 2022
The Effectiveness Of Ion Equilibrium And Ph Of Salt Solution E-Modules Based On Guided Inquiry Learning For Student's Learning Outcomes
MC Elmayana Fradila, Abdul Razak Tomi Apra Santosa, Fitri Arsih
International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) 27 …, 2021
The effect of the blended learning model on student critical thinking skill: Meta-analysis
W Suryono, BB Haryanto, TA Santosa, Y Suharyat, BI Sappaile
Edumaspul-Jurnal Pendidikan 7 (1), 1386-1397, 2023
Meta-analysis: The Effectiveness of Iot-Based Flipped Learning to Improve Students' Problem Solving Abilities
YS Mohammad Edy Nurtamam, Tomi Apra Santosa, Ilwandri, Sanju Aprilisia ...
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan 7 (1), 1491-1501, 2023
Digital parenting to children using the internet
M Yusuf, D Witro, R Diana, TA Santosa, J Jalwis
Pedagogik Journal of Islamic Elementary School 3 (1), 1-14, 2020
The Effect of STEM-Based REACT Model on Students' Critical Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis Study
M Putra, A Rahman, I Ilwandri, Y Suhayat, TA Santosa, R Putra, S Aprilisia
LITERACY: International Scientific Journals of Social, Education, Humanities …, 2023
The Effectiveness of STEM-Integrated Blended Learning on Indonesia Student Scientific Literacy: A Meta-analysis
AS Agus Supriyadi, Desy, Yayat, Tomi Apra Santosa
International Journal of Education and Literature 2 (1), 41-48, 2023
Effectiveness of STEM-Based Mind Mapping Learning Model to Improve Students' Science Literacy in the Era of Revolution 4.0
BPS Slamet Hariyadi, Agus Rofi’i, Tomi Apra Santosa, Taqiyuddin
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9 (10), 791-799, 2023
Meta-Analysis: Pengaruh Bahan Ajar Berbasis Pendekatan STEM Pada Pembelajaran Ekologi
FA Tomi Apra Santosa, Abdul Razak, Lufri, Zulyusri, Elmayana Fradila
Journal of Digital Learning and Education 1 (1), 1-9, 2021
Meta-Analysis: Science Learning Based on Local Wisdom Against Preserving School Environments During the Covid-19 Pandemic
NH Tomi Apra Santosa, Abdul Razak, Fitri Arsih, Eria Marina Sepriyani
Journal of Biology Education 10 (2), 60-69, 2021
The Effect of STEAM-Based Hybrid Based Learning Model on Students' Critical Thinking Skills
IA Wasito Utomo, Wiwid Suryono, Jimmi, Tomi Apra Santosa
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidika IPA 9 (9), 742-750, 2023
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Berbaisis TPACK Terhadap Ketrampilan Literasi Sains Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Siswa Tingkat SD Sampai SMA: Sebuah Meta-Analisis
SY Ichsan, Suhaimi, Khozijah Nur Amalia, Tomi Apra Santosa
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling 4 (5), 2173-2181, 2022
Analisis Masalah Pendidikan Biologi Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Era Pandemi COVID 19
EMS Tomi Apra Santosa
Jurnal Review Pendidikan dan Pengajaran 3 (2), 273-278, 2020
Analisis pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran ipa selama pandemi covid-19 di sekolah dasar
TA Santosa, S Suhaimi, S Aprilsia
Jurnal Didika: Wahana Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar 8 (1), 92-101, 2022
Pengetahuan mahasiswa institut agama Islam negeri Kerinci tentang teori asal usul manusia
D Ferry, T Santosa, D Kamil
BIOEDUCA: Journal of Biology Education 1 (1), 12-17, 2020
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