Youness Frichi
Hospital logistics activities
F Jawab, Y Frichi, S Boutahari
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2018
Proposing a supply chain collaboration framework for synchronous flow implementation in the automotive industry: A moroccan case study
I Ibn El Farouk, I Moufad, Y Frichi, J Arif, F Jawab
information 11 (9), 431, 2020
Modeling the impact of hospital logistics on quality of care and patient satisfaction: results of a survey in three public healthcare facilities in Fez-Morocco
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 13 (2), 296-320, 2020
The mixed-method 5W2D approach for health system stakeholders analysis in quality of care: an application to the Moroccan context
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (16), 2899, 2019
Development and comparison of two new multi-period queueing reliability models using discrete-event simulation and a simulation–optimization approach
Y Frichi, F Jawab, L Aboueljinane, S Boutahari
Computers & Industrial Engineering 168, 108068, 2022
A simulation optimization approach to investigate resource planning and coordination mechanisms in emergency systems
L Aboueljinane, Y Frichi
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 119, 102586, 2022
An Exploratory Qualitative Study of the Influence of Hospital Logistics Factors on Quality of Care and Patient Satisfaction at Public Hospitals in Morocco
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) 4 …, 2019
Hospital logistics: an effective tool in improving the quality of care
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari, K Zehmed, I Moufad, K Akoudad, N Laaraj
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2018
Improving interhospital medical patient transportation in morocco: a forecasting collaborative approach
Y Frichi, AB Kacem, F Jawab, O Kamach, S Chafik
Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management in Home Healthcare …, 2020
Identification of health system stakeholders in Morocco
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2019
The contribution of reduced COVID-19 test time in controlling the spread of the disease: A simulation-based approach
Y Frichi, AB Kacem, F Jawab, S Boutahari, O Kamach, S Chafik
Journal of Public Health in Africa 12 (2), 2021
Diagnosis of the main issues of extra-hospital medical patient transportation: Case of Morocco
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
2020 IEEE 13th International Colloquium of Logistics and Supply Chain …, 2020
Patient satisfaction factors and their correspondence with hospital logistics activities
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari, N Laaraj, K Akoudad, K Zehmed, I Moufad
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2018
Elaboration of an association matrix of satisfaction factors in healthcare facilities and hospital logistics activities
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
2018 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management …, 2018
Hospital logistics' effect on patient satisfaction
Y Frichi, I Ibn El Farouk, F Jawab, S Boutahari
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 9 (4), 210-216, 2020
SEM to analyze the interaction between hospital logistics and quality of care, a systematic review
Y Frichi, F Jawab, S Boutahari
2019 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management …, 2019
A review and classification of ambulance deployment and redeployment models in emergencies
Y Frichi, F Jawab
Int. J. Logist. Syst. Manag., 2022
An innovative approach to develop performance indicators for medicines supply chain in moroccan public hospitals
II El Farouk, Y Frichi, F Jawab
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res 9, 386-391, 2020
Queuing model for improving airport passengers treatment process
F Jawab, M Khachani, K Akoudad, I Moufad, Y Frichi, N Laaraj, K Zehmed
Proceedings of the ICIEOM: International Conference on Industrial …, 2018
Using discrete-event simulation to assess an AHP-based dynamic patient prioritisation policy for elective surgery
Y Frichi, L Aboueljinane, F Jawab
Journal of Simulation, 1-25, 2023
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