Mara Pereira Guerreiro
Mara Pereira Guerreiro
Associate Professor | Egas Moniz School of Health & Science
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Trastuzumab in the treatment of breast cancer
S Maximiano, P Magalhaes, MP Guerreiro, M Morgado
BioDrugs 30, 75-86, 2016
Drug related problems identified by European community pharmacists in patients discharged from hospital
EI Paulino, ML Bouvy, MA Gastelurrutia, M Guerreiro, H Buurma
Pharmacy world and science 26, 353-360, 2004
Usability of an intelligent virtual assistant for promoting behavior change and self-care in older people with type 2 diabetes
J Balsa, I Félix, AP Cláudio, MB Carmo, IC Silva, A Guerreiro, M Guedes, ...
Journal of Medical Systems 44, 1-12, 2020
Uma reflexão sobre a automedicação e medicamentos não sujeitos a receita médica em Portugal
PS Cruz, M Caramona, MP Guerreiro
Revista Portuguesa de Farmacoterapia 7 (2), 83-90, 2015
Development of a complex intervention to improve adherence to antidiabetic medication in older people using an anthropomorphic virtual assistant software
IB Félix, MP Guerreiro, A Cavaco, AP Cláudio, A Mendes, J Balsa, ...
Frontiers in pharmacology 10, 680, 2019
Evaluation of the pharmacy safety climate questionnaire in European community pharmacies
DL Phipps, J De Bie, H Herborg, M Guerreiro, C Eickhoff, ...
International journal for quality in health care 24 (1), 16-22, 2012
Virtual humans for training and assessment of self-medication consultation skills in pharmacy students
AP Cláudio, MB Carmo, V Pinto, A Cavaco, MP Guerreiro
2015 10th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE …, 2015
Development of a European competency framework for health and other professionals to support behaviour change in persons self-managing chronic disease
MP Guerreiro, J Strawbridge, AM Cavaco, IB Félix, MM Marques, ...
BMC medical education 21 (1), 287, 2021
Acceptability of community pharmaceutical care in Portugal: a qualitative study
M Guerreiro, J Cantrill, P Martins
Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 15 (4), 215-222, 2010
Virtual assistant to improve self-care of older people with type 2 diabetes: First prototype
S Buinhas, AP Cláudio, MB Carmo, J Balsa, A Cavaco, A Mendes, I Félix, ...
International Workshop on Gerontechnology, 236-248, 2019
Primary health care policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in Portugal
N Ribeiro, H Mota-Filipe, MP Guerreiro, FA Costa
Pharmacy Practice (Granada) 18 (3), 2020
Erro medicamentoso em cuidados de saúde primários e secundários: dimensão, causas e estratégias de prevenção
DP de Lyra Júniora, J de Souza Siqueiraa, DT da Silvaa, LB Almeidaa, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 40-46, 2010
Self-medication consultations in community pharmacy: an exploratory study on teams' performance, client-reported outcomes and satisfaction
P Veiga, AM Cavaco, LV Lapão, MP Guerreiro
Pharmacy Practice (Granada) 19 (1), 2021
Quality supply of nonprescription medicines in Portuguese community pharmacy: an exploratory case study
P Veiga, LV Lapão, AM Cavaco, MP Guerreiro
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 11 (6), 880-890, 2015
Considerations on preventable drug-related morbidity in primary care
MP Guerreiro, JA Cantrill, L Pisco, AP Martins
Rev Port Clin Geral 21, 447-59, 2005
Erro médico: Community pharmacists and physicians inter-professional work: insights from qualitative studies with multiple stakeholders
E Paulino, MP Guerreiro, JA Cantrill, AP Martins, FA Da Costa, ...
Revista Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar 26 (6), 590-606, 2010
Adaptação Portuguesa da Mini-Mental State–MMS
M Guerreiro, A Silva, A Botelho, O Leitão, A Castro-Caldas, C Garcia
Laboratório de Estudos de Linguagem do Centro de Estudos Egas Moniz …, 1993
Nursing students' learning from involvement in research projects: an integrative literature review
DS Loura, RA Bernardes, CL Baixinho, HR Henriques, IB Félix, ...
Revista brasileira de enfermagem 75, e20210053, 2021
Intelligent virtual assistant for promoting behaviour change in older people with t2d
J Balsa, P Neves, I Félix, M Pereira Guerreiro, P Alves, MB Carmo, ...
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 19th EPIA Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Preventable drug-related morbidity in community pharmacy: development and piloting of a complex intervention
M Pereira Guerreiro, AP Martins, JA Cantrill
International journal of clinical pharmacy 34, 699-709, 2012
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