Megan Schuler
Megan Schuler
Health Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation
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Generalizing observational study results: Applying propensity score methods to complex surveys
E DuGoff, M Schuler, E Stuart
Health Services Research 49 (1), 284-303, 2014
Targeted maximum likelihood estimation for causal inference in observational studies
MS Schuler, S Rose
American Journal of Epidemiology, 2017
Disparities in substance use behaviors and disorders among adult sexual minorities by age, gender, and sexual identity
MS Schuler, CE Rice, RJ Evans-Polce, RL Collins
Drug and alcohol dependence 189, 139-146, 2018
Sexual minority substance use disparities: Bisexual women at elevated risk relative to other sexual minority groups
MS Schuler, RL Collins
Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 107755, 2019
Relative influence of perceived peer and family substance use on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use across middle and high school
MS Schuler, JS Tucker, ER Pedersen, EJ D'Amico
Addictive behaviors 88, 99-105, 2019
Perceived barriers to treatment for alcohol problems: a latent class analysis
MS Schuler, S Puttaiah, R Mojtabai, RM Crum
Psychiatric Services 66 (11), 1221-1228, 2015
Substance use disparities at the intersection of sexual identity and race/ethnicity: Results from the 2015–2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
MS Schuler, DM Prince, J Breslau, RL Collins
LGBT health 7 (6), 283-291, 2020
Age-varying associations between substance use behaviors and depressive symptoms during adolescence and young adulthood
MS Schuler, SA Vasilenko, ST Lanza
Drug and alcohol dependence 157, 75-82, 2015
Differences in substance use disparities across age groups in a national cross-sectional survey of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults
MS Schuler, BD Stein, RL Collins
LGBT health 6 (2), 68-76, 2019
Quasi-experimental study of Functional Family Therapy effectiveness for juvenile justice aftercare in a racially and ethnically diverse community sample
AJ Darnell, MS Schuler
Children and youth services review 50, 75-82, 2015
Suicidality Among Sexual Minority Adults: Gender, Age, and Race/Ethnicity Differences
R Ramchand, MS Schuler, M Schoenbaum, L Colpe, L Ayer
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2021
Gender-and age-varying associations of sensation seeking and substance use across young adulthood
RJ Evans-Polce, MS Schuler, JE Schulenberg, ME Patrick
Addictive behaviors 84, 271-277, 2018
Growing racial/ethnic disparities in buprenorphine distribution in the United States, 2007-2017
MS Schuler, AW Dick, BD Stein
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 223, 108710, 2021
Racial/ethnic differences in prescription opioid misuse and heroin use among a national sample, 1999–2018
MS Schuler, TL Schell, EC Wong
Drug and alcohol dependence 221, 108588, 2021
Effect of age on opioid prescribing, overdose, and mortality in Massachusetts, 2011 to 2015
AJ Rose, R McBain, MS Schuler, MR LaRochelle, DA Ganz, V Kilambi, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 67 (1), 128-132, 2019
Propensity score weighting for a continuous exposure with multilevel data
MS Schuler, W Chu, D Coffman
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology 16, 271-292, 2016
Sexual minority disparities in opioid misuse, perceived heroin risk and heroin access among a national sample of US adults
MS Schuler, AW Dick, BD Stein
Drug and alcohol dependence 201, 78-84, 2019
The state of the science in opioid policy research
MS Schuler, SE Heins, R Smart, BA Griffin, D Powell, EA Stuart, B Pardo, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 214, 108137, 2020
Disparities in social and economic determinants of health by sexual identity, gender, and age: results from the 2015–2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
MS Schuler, DM Prince, RL Collins
LGBT health 8 (5), 330-339, 2021
Concentration of patient care among buprenorphine-prescribing clinicians in the US
BD Stein, B Saloner, MS Schuler, J Gurvey, M Sorbero, AJ Gordon
Jama 325 (21), 2206-2208, 2021
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