Optical characterization of low optical thickness thin films from transmittance and back reflectance measurements Y Laaziz, A Bennouna, N Chahboun, A Outzourhit, EL Ameziane thin solid films 372 (1-2), 149-155, 2000 | 103 | 2000 |
A method for monitoring the thickness of semiconductor and dielectric thin films: application to the determination of large-area thickness profiles Y Laaziz, A Bennouna, MY Elazhari, J Ramiro-Bargueno, A Outzourhit, ... Thin Solid Films 303 (1-2), 255-263, 1997 | 15 | 1997 |
El Khiara, A.; Ameziane, EL; Bekkay, T N Chahboun, K Assali Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 32, 213, 1994 | 10 | 1994 |
A review on visible light communication system for 5G M El Jbari, M Moussaoui, N Chahboun International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Humanity, 84-95, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Electrical properties of CuAlTe2 thin films and MoCuAlTe2 contact prepared by rf sputtering K El Assali, N Chahboun, T Bekkay, EL Ameziane, M Boustani, A Khiara Solar energy materials and solar cells 39 (1), 33-38, 1995 | 8 | 1995 |
Optical properties of thin ternary semiconductor alloys CdZnTe prepared by hot wall evaporation technique GE Hallani, A Ryah, N Hassanain, M Loghmarti, A Mzerd, A Arbaoui, ... Progress In Electromagnetics Research 1897, 2011 | 6 | 2011 |
Coding and modulation for terahertz M El Jbari, M Moussaoui, N Chahboun Terahertz Wireless Communication Components and System Technologies, 59-79, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
A New Design of 5G Planar Antenna based on metamaterials with a high gain using array antenna A Bellekhiri, N Chahboun, Y Laaziz, A El Oualkadi ITM Web of Conferences 48, 01007, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Growth of CuAlTe2 films by RF sputtering N Chahboun, K El Assali, A Khiara, EL Ameziane, T Bekkay Solar energy materials and solar cells 32 (2), 213-218, 1994 | 4 | 1994 |
A novel wideband circularly-polarized microstrip antenna array based on DGS for wireless power transmission F Ouberri, A Tajmouati, N Chahboun, L El Abdellaoui, M Latrach Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 20 (3), 485-493, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
A New Design of a Spiral UHF RFID Tag Dipole Antenna Mounted on Metallic Objects E Zakaria, Z Jamal, L Mohamed, L Ahmed, O Aziz, C Noha 2023 22nd Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS), 1-6, 2023 | | 2023 |
A new design of 5G multilayers planar antenna with the enhancement of bandwidth and gain AEO Abderrahim Bellekhiri, Noha Chahboun, Jamal Zbitou, Yassin Laaziz Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 29 (3 …, 2023 | | 2023 |
A New Design of 5G Planar Antenna with Enhancement of the Gain Using Array Antenna A Bellekhiri, N Chahboun, J Zbitou, Y Laaziz, A El Oualkadi The International Conference on Intelligent System and Smart Technologies, 1-11, 2023 | | 2023 |
A New Configuration Of Broadband Patch Antenna With Circular Polarization For Wireless Power Transmission O Fatima, T Abdelali, C Noha, L Ahmed E3S Web of Conferences 351, 01062, 2022 | | 2022 |
A new design of 5G planar antenna with enhancement of the bandwidth and the gain using metasurface A Bellekhiri, N Chahboun, Y Laaziz, A El Oualkadi E3S Web of Conferences 351, 01054, 2022 | | 2022 |
Préparation et caractérisation des couches minces du ternaire CuAITe2 préparées par pulvérisation cathodique RF N Chahboun Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences-Semlalia, Marrakech, 1994 | | 1994 |