Colby M Steelman
Colby M Steelman
Lecturer, University of Waterloo; Research Scientist, G360 Institute for Groundwater Research
在 uwaterloo.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Mobility and persistence of methane in groundwater in a controlled-release field experiment
AG Cahill, CM Steelman, O Forde, O Kuloyo, S Emil Ruff, B Mayer, ...
Nature Geoscience 10 (4), 289-294, 2017
Comparison of petrophysical relationships for soil moisture estimation using GPR ground waves
CM Steelman, AL Endres
Vadose Zone Journal 10 (1), 270-285, 2011
Monitoring the evolution and migration of a methane gas plume in an unconfined sandy aquifer using time-lapse GPR and ERT
CM Steelman, DR Klazinga, AG Cahill, AL Endres, BL Parker
Journal of contaminant hydrology 205, 12-24, 2017
Assessing vertical soil moisture dynamics using multi-frequency GPR common-midpoint soundings
CM Steelman, AL Endres
Journal of Hydrology 436, 51-66, 2012
High‐resolution ground‐penetrating radar monitoring of soil moisture dynamics: Field results, interpretation, and comparison with unsaturated flow model
CM Steelman, AL Endres, JP Jones
Water resources research 48 (9), 2012
Coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of time‐lapse surface GPR data to estimate hydraulic properties of a layered subsurface
S Busch, L Weihermüller, JA Huisman, CM Steelman, AL Endres, ...
Water Resources Research 49 (12), 8480-8494, 2013
Dispersion inversion of electromagnetic pulse propagation within freezing and thawing soil waveguides
J Van der Kruk, CM Steelman, AL Endres, H Vereecken
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (18), 2009
An examination of direct ground wave soil moisture monitoring over an annual cycle of soil conditions
CM Steelman, AL Endres
Water Resources Research 46 (11), 2010
Field observations of shallow freeze and thaw processes using high‐frequency ground‐penetrating radar
CM Steelman, AL Endres, J Van der Kruk
Hydrological Processes 24 (14), 2022-2033, 2010
Monitoring shallow soil water content under natural field conditions using the early-time GPR signal technique
C Ferrara, PM Barone, CM Steelman, E Pettinelli, AL Endres
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (4), vzj2012. 0202, 2013
Evolution of high-frequency ground-penetrating radar direct ground wave propagation during thin frozen soil layer development
CM Steelman, AL Endres
Cold regions science and technology 57 (2-3), 116-122, 2009
Geophysical, geological, and hydrogeological characterization of a tributary buried bedrock valley in southern Ontario
CM Steelman, E Arnaud, P Pehme, BL Parker
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 55 (7), 641-658, 2018
Electrical resistivity dynamics beneath a fractured sedimentary bedrock riverbed in response to temperature and groundwater–surface water exchange
CM Steelman, CS Kennedy, DC Capes, BL Parker
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (6), 3105-3123, 2017
Methane gas transport in unconfined aquifers: A numerical sensitivity study of a controlled release experiment at CFB Borden
DR Klazinga, CM Steelman, AG Cahill, KM Walton, AL Endres, BL Parker
Journal of contaminant hydrology 225, 103506, 2019
Geophysical conceptualization of a fractured sedimentary bedrock riverbed using ground-penetrating radar and induced electrical conductivity
CM Steelman, CS Kennedy, BL Parker
Journal of Hydrology 521, 433-446, 2015
The importance of transects for characterizing aged organic contaminant plumes in groundwater
CM Steelman, JR Meyer, P Wanner, BJ Swanson, O Conway-White, ...
Journal of contaminant hydrology 235, 103728, 2020
Multidimensional investigation of bedrock heterogeneity/unconformities at a DNAPL‐impacted site
CM Steelman, JR Meyer, BL Parker
Groundwater 55 (4), 532-549, 2017
Evaluating local-scale anisotropy and heterogeneity along a fractured sedimentary bedrock river using EM azimuthal resistivity and ground-penetrating radar
CM Steelman, BL Parker, CS Kennedy
Journal of Applied Geophysics 116, 156-166, 2015
Spectral velocity analysis for the determination of ground‐wave velocities and their uncertainties in multi‐offset GPR data
G Hamann, J Tronicke, CM Steelman, AL Endres
Near Surface Geophysics 11 (2), 167-176, 2013
Comparing electromagnetic induction and ground penetrating radar techniques for estimating soil moisture content
CW Toy, CM Steelman, AL Endres
Proceedings of the XIII Internarional Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar …, 2010
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