Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 societies RJ House, PJ Hanges, M Javidan, PW Dorfman, V Gupta Sage publications, 2004 | 15172 | 2004 |
Role conflict and ambiguity in complex organizations JR Rizzo, RJ House, SI Lirtzman Administrative science quarterly, 150-163, 1970 | 8533 | 1970 |
A path goal theory of leader effectiveness RJ House Administrative science quarterly, 321-339, 1971 | 8297 | 1971 |
The motivational effects of charismatic leadership: A self-concept based theory B Shamir, RJ House, MB Arthur Organization science 4 (4), 577-594, 1993 | 6698 | 1993 |
A theory of charismatic leadership RJ House Leadership: The cutting egde, 1977 | 5416 | 1977 |
Causal ambiguity, barriers to imitation, and sustainable competitive advantage R Reed, RJ DeFillippi Academy of management review 15 (1), 88-102, 1990 | 4815 | 1990 |
Path goal theory of leadership RJ House, TR Mitchell Faculty of Management Studies, University of Toronto, 1975 | 4585 | 1975 |
The social scientific study of leadership: Quo vadis? RJ House, RN Aditya Journal of management 23 (3), 409-473, 1997 | 3999 | 1997 |
Understanding cultures and implicit leadership theories across the globe: an introduction to project GLOBE R House, M Javidan, P Hanges, P Dorfman Journal of world business 37 (1), 3-10, 2002 | 2923 | 2002 |
Path-goal theory of leadership: Lessons, legacy, and a reformulated theory RJ House The leadership quarterly 7 (3), 323-352, 1996 | 2886 | 1996 |
Does leadership matter? CEO leadership attributes and profitability under conditions of perceived environmental uncertainty DA Waldman, GG Ramirez, RJ House, P Puranam Academy of management journal 44 (1), 134-143, 2001 | 2150 | 2001 |
Culture specific and cross-culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed? DN Den Hartog, RJ House, PJ Hanges, SA Ruiz-Quintanilla, PW Dorfman The Leadership Quarterly 10 (2), 219-256, 1999 | 2085 | 1999 |
Organizational legitimacy and the liability of newness JV Singh, DJ Tucker, RJ House Administrative science quarterly, 171-193, 1986 | 2069 | 1986 |
Role conflict and ambiguity as critical variables in a model of organizational behavior RJ House, JR Rizzo Organizational behavior and human performance 7 (3), 467-505, 1972 | 1957 | 1972 |
Personality and charisma in the US presidency: A psychological theory of leadership effectiveness. RJ House, WD Spangler, J Woycke Academy of management proceedings 1990 (1), 216-220, 1990 | 1833 | 1990 |
Cultural influences on leadership and organizations: Project GLOBE RJ House, PJ Hanges, SA Ruiz-Quintanilla, PW Dorfman, M Javidan, ... Advances in global leadership 1 (2), 171-233, 1999 | 1753 | 1999 |
Personality and charismatic leadership RJ House, JM Howell The leadership quarterly 3 (2), 81-108, 1992 | 1621 | 1992 |
Toward the integration of transformational, charismatic, and visionary theories. RJ House, B Shamir Academic Press, 1993 | 1566 | 1993 |
In the eye of the beholder: Cross-cultural lessons in leadership from Project GLOBE M Javidan, PW Dorfman, MS De Luque, RJ House Readings and cases in international human resource management, 119-154, 2016 | 1496 | 2016 |
Culture and leadership across the world J Chhokar, F Brodbeck, R House Psychology Press, 2007 | 1392 | 2007 |