Claudia Fernandes
Claudia Fernandes
Faculdde de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, CIBIO/InBIO
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Urban biodiversity: a review of current concepts and contributions to multidisciplinary approaches
P Farinha-Marques, JM Lameiras, C Fernandes, S Silva, F Guilherme
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 24 (3), 247-271, 2011
Between tree lovers and tree haters. Drivers of public perception regarding street trees and its implications on the urban green infrastructure planning
CO Fernandes, IM da Silva, CP Teixeira, L Costa
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 37, 97-108, 2019
Characteristics and motivations of potential users of urban allotment gardens: The case of Vila Nova de Gaia municipal network of urban allotment gardens
IM da Silva, CO Fernandes, B Castiglione, L Costa
Urban forestry & urban greening 20, 56-64, 2016
Novel ecosystems: a review of the concept in non-urban and urban contexts
CP Teixeira, CO Fernandes
Landscape Ecology 35 (1), 23-39, 2020
Urban ecological novelty assessment: Implications for urban green infrastructure planning and management
CP Teixeira, CO Fernandes, J Ahern, JP Honrado, P Farinha-Marques
Science of The Total Environment 773, 145121, 2021
Adaptive planting design and management framework for urban climate change adaptation and mitigation
CP Teixeira, CO Fernandes, J Ahern
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 70, 127548, 2022
Research trends on integrative landscape assessment using indicators–A systematic review
A Medeiros, C Fernandes, JF Gonçalves, P Farinha-Marques
Ecological Indicators 129, 107815, 2021
Combining an evaluation grid application to assess ecosystem services of urban green spaces and a socioeconomic spatial analysis
DG Vidal, CO Fernandes, LMF Viterbo, H Vilaça, N Barros, RL Maia
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 28 (4), 291-302, 2021
Urban Habitats Biodiversity Assessment (UrHBA): a standardized procedure for recording biodiversity and its spatial distribution in urban environments
P Farinha-Marques, C Fernandes, F Guilherme, JM Lameiras, P Alves, ...
Landscape Ecology 32, 1753-1770, 2017
Usos e perceções sobre jardins e parques públicos urbanos. Resultados preliminares de um inquérito na cidade do Porto (Portugal).
DG Vidal, CO Fernandes, LMF Viterbo, H Vilaça, N Barros, RL Maia
Finisterra-Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 137-157, 2021
3D space syntax analysis: Attributes to be applied in landscape architecture projects
A Ascensão, L Costa, C Fernandes, F Morais, C Ruivo
Urban Science 3 (1), 20, 2019
A diagnostic framework for assessing land-use change impacts on landscape pattern and character–A case-study from the Douro region, Portugal
A Medeiros, C Fernandes, JF Gonçalves, P Farinha-Marques
Landscape and Urban Planning 228, 104580, 2022
Attitudes and Preferences Towards Plants in Urban Green Spaces: Implications for the Design and Management of Novel Urban Ecosystems
J Teixeira, CP · Fernandes, CO · Ryan, R· Ahern
Journal of Environmental Management, 2022
Morfologia e Biodiversidade nos Espaços Verdes da Cidade do Porto
P Farinha Marques, C Fernandes, J Lameiras, I Leal, S Silva, F Guilherme
Caderno 1–Seleção das áreas de estudo, 2014
Clustering public urban green spaces through ecosystem services potential: A typology proposal for place-based interventions
DG Vidal, RC Dias, CP Teixeira, CO Fernandes, W Leal Filho, N Barros, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 132, 262-272, 2022
Morpho-environmental characterization of the genus Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula: D. pungens group
AL Crespí, CP Fernandes, A Castro, S Bernardos, F Amich
Annales Botanici Fennici, 241-255, 2007
Espaços verdes urbanos e saúde mental: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
DG Vidal
PQDT-Global, 2020
A sampling methodology to facilitate biodiversity assessment in public green spaces
P Farinha-Marques, C Fernandes, AR Gaio, JP Da Costa, F Guilherme
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 20, 218-226, 2016
Novel urban ecosystems: opportunities from and to landscape architecture
CP Teixeira, CO Fernandes, J Ahern
Land 10 (8), 844, 2021
Revisão do Plano Diretor Municipal do Porto–Suporte Biofísico e Ambiente
P Farinha Marques, PC Alves, C Fernandes, F Guilherme, C Gonçalves
Estrutura Ecológica e Biodiversidade. Relatório de Caracterização e Diagnóstico, 2018
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