Features of physical development, physical preparedness and functional state of boys and girls - students of Polish higher educational establishments K Prusik, K Prusik, ZL Kozina, SS Iermakov Physical Education of Students, 54-61, 2013 | 237* | 2013 |
Psycho-physiological features of sportsmen in impact and throwing martial arts S Iermakov, L Podrigalo, V Romanenko, Y Tropin, N Boychenko, ... J Phys Educ Sport 16 (2), 433-441, 2016 | 181 | 2016 |
Hand-grip strength as an indicator for predicting the success in martial arts athletes S Iermakov, LV Podrigalo, W Jagiełło | 149 | 2016 |
Особенности мотивации студентов к применению индивидуальных программ физической самоподготовки СС Ермаков, СН Иващенко, ВВ Гузов Физическое воспитание студентов, 59-61, 2012 | 122* | 2012 |
Special aspects of psycho-physiological reactions of different skillfulness athletes, practicing martial arts L Podrigalo, S Iermakov, V Potop, V Romanenko, N Boychenko, ... Journal of Physical Education and Sport 17, 519, 2017 | 121 | 2017 |
Показатели физического развития, физической подготовленности и функционального состояния польских студентов К Прусик, Е Прусик, СС Єрмаков, ЖЛ Козина Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і …, 2012 | 118* | 2012 |
Computer simulation of junior gymnasts’ training process OM Khudolii, OV Ivashchenko, SS Iermakov, OG Rumba Science of Gymnastics Journal 8 (3), 215-228, 2016 | 114 | 2016 |
Classification of motor fitness of 7-9 years old boys OM Khudolii, SS Iermakov, K Prusik Journal of Physical Education and Sport 15 (2), 245 - 253, 2015 | 114 | 2015 |
The problems of students’ physical training individualization VA Druz, SS Iermakov, MO Nosko, LY Shesterova, NA Novitskaya Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and …, 2017 | 106 | 2017 |
Теоретико-методичні аспекти зміцнення фізичного здоров’я учнівської та студентської молоді МО Носко, СС Єрмаков, СВ Гаркуша Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного університету імені Т.Г …, 2010 | 105* | 2010 |
The use of didactic laws in the teaching of the physical elements involved in judo techniques G Arziutov, S Iermakov, P Bartik, WJ Cynarski | 104 | 2016 |
Factorial model of motor fitness of junior forms' boys OM Khudolii, SS Iermakov, KV Ananchenko Journal of Physical Education and Sport 15 (3), 585, 2015 | 104 | 2015 |
Factorial and discriminant analysis as methodological basis of pedagogic control over motor and functional fitness of 14–16 year old girls O Ivashchenko, O Khudolii, T Yermakova, S Iermakov, M Nosko, Y Nosko J Phys Educ Sport 16 (2), 442-451, 2016 | 102 | 2016 |
Functional state of martial arts athletes during implementation process of controlled activity–comparative analysis V Romanenko, L Podrigalo, S Iermakov, O Rovnaya, E Tolstoplet, ... Physical Activity Review 6, 87-93, 2018 | 99 | 2018 |
Physiological and subjective indicators of reaction to physical load of female basketball players with different game roles Z Kozina, S Iermakov, M Crełu, L Kadutskaya, F Sobyanin | 98 | 2017 |
Fitness yoga as modern technology of special health groups’ girl students’ psycho-physical condition and psycho-social health strengthening NV Skurikhina, MD Kudryavtsev, VA Kuzmin, S Iermakov Physical education of students 2, 24-31, 2016 | 97* | 2016 |
Quick training of students to judo techniques S Iermakov, G Arziutov, W Jagiełło Iermakov SS, Arziutov GN, Jagiełło W. Quick training of students to judo …, 2016 | 91 | 2016 |
Analysis of students’ nervous system’s typological properties, in aspect of response to extreme situation, with the help of multi-dimensional analysis ZL Kozina, SS Iermakov Physical education of students 19 (3), 10-19, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Formation of active-effective attitude of 12-13 years’ judo athletes to sports functioning in competition period AA Bliznevsky, MD Kudryavtsev, SS Iermakov, W Jagiełło | 82 | 2016 |
Studying of interconnections of morphological functional indicators of students, who practice martial arts S Iermakov, LV Podrigalo, AF Alekseev, OA Rovnaya Physical education of students 1, 64-70, 2016 | 78* | 2016 |