Avinash Collis
Avinash Collis
其他姓名Avinash Gannamaneni
Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
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Using massive online choice experiments to measure changes in well-being
E Brynjolfsson, A Collis, F Eggers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (15), 7250-7255, 2019
The impact of openness on the market potential of multi-sided platforms: a case study of mobile payment platforms
J Ondrus, A Gannamaneni, K Lyytinen
Journal of Information Technology 30 (3), 260-275, 2015
Interdependence and the Cost of Uncoordinated Responses to COVID-19
D Holtz, M Zhao, SG Benzell, CY Cao, MA Rahimian, J Yang, JNL Allen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (33), 19837-19843, 2020
GDP-B: Accounting for the Value of New and Free Goods in the Digital Economy
E Brynjolfsson, A Collis, WE Diewert, F Eggers, K Fox
NBER Working paper No. 25695, 2019
Rationing social contact during the COVID-19 pandemic: Transmission risk and social benefits of US locations
SG Benzell, A Collis, C Nicolaides
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (26), 14642-14644, 2020
How should we measure the digital economy
E Brynjolfsson, A Collis
Harvard business review 97 (6), 140-148, 2019
Providing normative information increases intentions to accept a COVID-19 vaccine
A Moehring, A Collis, K Garimella, MA Rahimian, S Aral, D Eckles
Nature Communications 14, 2023
Global survey on COVID-19 beliefs, behaviours and norms
A Collis, K Garimella, A Moehring, MA Rahimian, S Babalola, NH Gobat, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 6 (9), 1310-1317, 2022
A post-failure analysis of mobile payment platforms
A Gannamaneni, J Ondrus, K Lyytinen
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1159-1168, 2015
Measuring the impact of free goods on real household consumption
E Brynjolfsson, A Collis, WE Diewert, F Eggers, KJ Fox
AEA Papers and Proceedings 110, 25-30, 2020
Measuring welfare with massive online choice experiments: A brief introduction
E Brynjolfsson, F Eggers, A Gannamaneni
AEA Papers and Proceedings 108, 473-476, 2018
Effects of restricting social media usage on wellbeing and performance: A randomized control trial among students
A Collis, F Eggers
PLOS ONE 17 (8), e0272416, 2022
Regulating Digital Platform Monopolies: The Case of Facebook
SG Benzell, A Collis
MIT IDE Working Paper, 2024
Information frictions and heterogeneity in valuations of personal data
A Collis, A Moehring, A Sen, A Acquisti
Available at SSRN 3974826, 2024
The digital welfare of nations: New measures of welfare gains and inequality
E Brynjolfsson, A Collis, A Liaqat, D Kutzman, H Garro, D Deisenroth, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
The Efficiency of US Public Space Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic
S Benzell, A Collis, C Nicolaides
Risk Analysis 42 (4), 692-706, 2021
How should we measure the digital economy?
A Collis
PhD dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020
Consumer welfare in the digital economy
A Collis
The Global Antitrust Institute Report on the Digital Economy 14, 2020
Boosting Business Value by Reducing COVID-19 Transmission Risk
SG Benzell, A Collis, C Nicolaides
MIT Sloan Management Review 62 (1), 1-6, 2020
Learning from COVID-19: Hospital IT, Clinical Trials and Improvement in Health Outcomes
SG Benzell, A Collis, C Nicolaides, I Bardhan
Working paper, 2022
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