Luiz Guilherme Salvino da Silva
Luiz Guilherme Salvino da Silva
在 dac.unicamp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Short-term high-fat diet modulates several inflammatory, ER stress, and apoptosis markers in the hippocampus of young mice
SCBR Nakandakari, VR Munoz, GK Kuga, RC Gaspar, MR Sant'Ana, ...
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 79, 284-293, 2019
The hallmarks of flavonoids in cancer
LGS Ponte, ICB Pavan, MCS Mancini, LGS da Silva, AP Morelli, ...
Molecules 26 (7), 2029, 2021
Simultaneous extraction and separation of bioactive compounds from apple pomace using pressurized liquids coupled on-line with solid-phase extraction
LC da Silva, MC Souza, BR Sumere, LGS Silva, DT da Cunha, ...
Food Chemistry 318, 126450, 2020
Pomegranate juice and peel extracts are able to inhibit proliferation, migration and colony formation of prostate cancer cell lines and modulate the Akt/mTOR/S6K signaling pathway
FM Chaves, ICB Pavan, LGS da Silva, LB de Freitas, MA Rostagno, ...
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 75, 54-62, 2020
Survival, metabolic status and cellular morphology of probiotics in dairy products and dietary supplement after simulated digestion
VC da Cruz Rodrigues, LGS da Silva, FM Simabuco, K Venema, ...
Journal of Functional Foods 55, 126-134, 2019
Protective effects of beet (Beta vulgaris) leaves extract against oxidative stress in endothelial cells in vitro
LGS da Silva, AP Morelli, ICB Pavan, MR Tavares, NF Pestana, ...
Phytotherapy research 34 (6), 1385-1396, 2020
Anticancer effects of root and beet leaf extracts (Beta vulgaris L.) in cervical cancer cells (HeLa)
SA Romero, ICB Pavan, AP Morelli, MCS Mancini, LGS da Silva, ...
Phytotherapy Research 35 (11), 6191-6203, 2021
Beetroot and leaf extracts present protective effects against prostate cancer cells, inhibiting cell proliferation, migration, and growth signaling pathways
MCS Mancini, LGS Ponte, CHR Silva, I Fagundes, ICB Pavan, ...
Phytotherapy Research 35 (9), 5241-5258, 2021
STAT3 contributes to cisplatin resistance, modulating EMT markers, and the mTOR signaling in lung adenocarcinoma
AP Morelli, TC Tortelli Jr, MCS Mancini, ICB Pavan, LGS Silva, ...
Neoplasia 23 (10), 1048-1058, 2021
NEK6 regulates redox balance and DNA damage response in DU-145 prostate cancer cells
ICB Pavan, FL Basei, MB Severino, I Rosa e Silva, LK Issayama, ...
Cells 12 (2), 256, 2023
Increased mTOR signaling and impaired autophagic flux are hallmarks of SARS-CoV-2 infection
ÉP Zambalde, TL Dias, GC Maktura, MR Amorim, B Brenha, LN Santos, ...
Current Issues in Molecular Biology 45 (1), 327-336, 2022
Subchronic exposure to 1, 2-naphthoquinone induces adipose tissue inflammation and changes the energy homeostasis of mice, partially due to TNFR1 and TLR4
CK de Oliveira Ferreira, CM Campolim, OP Zordão, FM Simabuco, ...
Toxicology Reports 11, 10-22, 2023
Increased mTOR signaling, impaired autophagic flux and cell-to-cell viral transmission are hallmarks of SARS-CoV-2 infection
GC Maktura, TL Dias, ÉP Zambalde, B Brenha, MR Amorim, LN Santos, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.10. 13.464225, 2021
Beetroot Root and Leaf Extracts Present Potential Effects Against Prostate Cancer Cells, Inhibiting Cell Proliferation, Migration and Growth Signaling Pathways
M Mancini, LGS Ponte, CHS Rocha, I Fagundes, ICB Pavan, SA Romero, ...
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 159, S56, 2020
Efeitos protetores do extrato da folha de beterraba (Beta vulgaris) no perfil lipídico e de estresse oxidativo em células HepG2 e HUVEC
LGS da Silva
[sn], 2020
Evaluation of anti-cancer effects of root and beet leaf extracts (Beta vulgaris L.) in cervical cancer cells
SA Romero, R Bezerra, I Pavan, A Morelli, L da Silva, I Fagundes, C Silva, ...
Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, 1-1, 2019
Genome editing of LKB1 (STK11) mutation in A549 lung cancer cells using CRISPR/Cas9 system
AP Morelli, FM Simabuco, ICB Pavan, MR Tavares, LG Salvino, ...
Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, 2018
Digestão simulada de formulações de bebida esportivas contendo diferentes probióticos
L de Carvalho Fino, AEA de Moraes, F de Lima Pena, TR da Silva, ...
Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, 2018
Effect of bioactive compounds from beet leaf and stem extract on the prevention or reduction of LDL oxidation and oxidative DNA damage.
GO Massa, LGS da Silva, APRB de Castro, FM Simabuco, RMN Bezerra
Revista dos Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da UNICAMP, 2018
文章 1–19