Ольга  Стадницька / Olha Stadnytska / ORCID: 0000-0001-6574-4068
Ольга Стадницька / Olha Stadnytska / ORCID: 0000-0001-6574-4068
Інститут сільського господарства Карпатського регіону НААН України [email protected]
Influence of “Thireomagnile” and “Thyrioton” preparations on the antioxidant status of pregnant cows with symptoms of endotoxicosis
Y Grymak, O Skoromna, O Stadnytska, O Sobolev, B Gutyj, S Shalovylo, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 122-126, 2020
Biological role of selenium in the organism of animals and humans
O Sobolev, B Gutyj, R Petryshak, J Pivtorak, Y Kovalskyi, A Naumyuk, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 8 (1), 654-665, 2018
The effect of cadmium loading on protein synthesis function and functional state of laying hens’ liver
B Gutyj, A Ostapiuk, N Kachmar, O Stadnytska, O Sobolev, V Binkevych, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 9 (3), 222-226, 2019
Breeding value and productivity in sows of the Large White breed
V Khalak, B Gutyj, O Stadnytska, I Shuvar, V Balkovskyi, H Korpita, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (1), 319-324, 2021
The level of products of lipid peroxidation in the blood of piglets at the action feed additive “Sylimevit”
LV Vyslotska, BV Gutyj, VI Khalak, TV Martyshuk, VB Todoriuk, ...
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2021
Вплив росту і розвитку корів у період вирощування на їх молочну продуктивність
ОІ Стадницька
Розведення і генетика тварин, 264-270, 2011
The biochemical indicators of blood serum and their relationship with fattening and meat qualities of young swine of different inbreed differentiation according to the sazer …
V Khalak, B Gutyj, O Bordun, O Stadnytska, M Ilchenko
Some biochemical indicators of serum, fattening and meat quality of young pigs of different classes of distribution according to the Sazer-Fredin index
V Khalak, I Dudchak, B Gutyj, O Stadnytska, V Vakulik, T Pundiak, M Zmiia, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (7), 6-13, 2021
Antioxidant activity of thiosulfonate compounds in experiments in vitro and in vivo
L Nataliia, I Ruslana, S Nataliya, M Natalija, H Viktoriia, L Vira
Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem 12, 3106-3116, 2022
The profile of the productive and technological indicators of cows of the Ukrainian red dairy breed in an industrial complex
SA Sidashova, BV Gutyj, IM Popova, AV Khotsenko, OI Stadnytska, ...
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2022
Migration of mobile forms of heavy metals into the vegetative mass of plants under local human-caused load
HA Butsiak, VI Butsiak, BV Gutyj, BM Kalyn, LI Muzyka, OI Stadnytska, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (1), 239-343, 2021
Формування господарсько корисних та селекційно-генетичних ознак у тварин української чорно-рябої молочної породи в умовах Тернопільщини
ОІ Стадницька
ступеня канд. с.-г. наук: спец. 06.02. 01 «Розведення та селекція тварин»/ОІ …, 2011
Peroxide processes and biosynthesis of cholesterol derivatives in rabbit tissues at acute L-arginine-induced pancreatitis and its correction.
Y Rivis, O Hopanenko, O Stasiv, O Stadnytska, B Gutyj, O Diachenko, ...
Heavy metals in the dandelion and apple tree pollen from the different terrestrial ecosystems of the Carpathian region
O Klym, O Stadnytska
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Zootechnica 18 (3), 15-20, 2019
Vidhodivelni ta miasni yakosti molodniaku svynei riznoho pokhodzhennia ta intensyvnosti formuvannia u rannomu ontohenezi.[Feeding and meat qualities of young pigs of different …
VI Khalak, BV Hutyi, OI Stadnytska
Naukovyi visnyk LNUVMB imeni SZ Gzhytskoho. Seriia: Silskohospodarski nauky …, 2019
Influence of Metisevit Plus feed additive on the activity of the glutathione system of the body of bulls under conditions of man-caused load
SO Slobodian, BV Gutyj, SH Shalovylo, TS Yaroshovych, LV Kurylas, ...
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2021
Stan imunnoi systemy porosiat za di i kormovoi dobavky “Butaselmevit-plius”
TV Martyshuk, BV Hutyi, VI Khalak, OI Stadnytska, VB Todoriuk
Visnyk Poltavskoi derzhavnoi ahrarnoi akademii 4, 116-125, 2019
Biological assessment of the constitution of the Polissian beef cattle in the conditions of the Precarpathian region.
O Stadnytska, B Gutyj, V Khalak, V Fedak, I Dudchak, M Zmiia, I Shuvar, ...
Meat qualities of pigs of different genotypes by melanocortin receptor gene 4 (MC4R) and its connection with some biochemical indicators of blood serum.
V Khalak, A Horchanok, O Kuzmenko, L Lytvyschenko, O Karpenko, ...
Level of phenotypic consolidation and correlation analysis of reproductive qualities of sows of different breeding value
VI Khalak, BV Gutyj, OM Bordun, OI Stadnytska, SE Chernyavsky
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2021
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