John T. Blake
Operations research and health care: a handbook of methods and applications
ML Brandeau, F Sainfort, WP Pierskalla
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
A goal programming approach to strategic resource allocation in acute care hospitals
JT Blake, MW Carter
European Journal of Operational Research 140 (3), 541-561, 2002
Mount Sinai hospital uses integer programming to allocate operating room time
JT Blake, J Donald
Interfaces 32 (2), 63-73, 2002
A comprehensive simulation for wait time reduction and capacity planning applied in general surgery
PT VanBerkel, JT Blake
Health care management Science 10, 373-385, 2007
Operating room managers’ use of integer programming for assigning block time to surgical groups: a case study
JT Blake, F Dexter, J Donald
Anesthesia & Analgesia 94 (1), 143-148, 2002
Surgical process scheduling: a structured review.
JT Blake, MW Carter
Journal of the society for health systems 5 (3), 17-30, 1997
Calculating a potential increase in hospital margin for elective surgery by changing operating room time allocations or increasing nursing staffing to permit completion of more …
F Dexter, JT Blake, DH Penning, DA Lubarsky
Anesthesia & Analgesia 94 (1), 138-142, 2002
An analysis of emergency room wait time issues via computer simulation
JT Blake, MW Carter, S Richardson
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 34 (4), 263-273, 1996
Use of linear programming to estimate impact of changes in a hospital's operating room time allocation on perioperative variable costs
F Dexter, JT Blake, DH Penning, B Sloan, P Chung, DA Lubarsky
Anesthesiology 96 (3), 718-724, 2002
A generic modelling framework to evaluate network blood management policies: The Canadian Blood Services Experience
JT Blake, M Hardy
Operations Research for Health Care 3 (3), 116-128, 2014
Déjà‐vu all over again: using simulation to evaluate the impact of shorter shelf life for red blood cells at H éma‐Q uébec
JT Blake, M Hardy, G Delage, G Myhal
Transfusion 53 (7), 1544-1558, 2013
On the use of operational research for managing platelet inventory and ordering
JT Blake
Transfusion 49 (3), 396-401, 2009
Designing the blood supply chain: How much, how, and where
AF Osorio, SC Brailsford, HK Smith, JT Blake
Vox Sanguinis 113 (8), 760-769, 2018
Sampling error can significantly affect measured hospital financial performance of surgeons and resulting operating room time allocations
F Dexter, DA Lubarsky, JT Blake
Anesthesia & Analgesia 95 (1), 184-188, 2002
Using simulation in an acute-care hospital: easier said than done
MW Carter, JT Blake
Operations research and health care: A handbook of methods and applications …, 2004
Simplified platelet ordering using shortage and outdate targets
J Blake, N Heddle, M Hardy, R Barty
International Journal of Health Management and Information 1 (2), 145-166, 2010
Optimizing the platelet supply chain in Nova Scotia
JT Blake, S Thompson, S Smith, D Anderson, R Arellana, D Bernard
Proceedings of the 29th Meeting of the European Working Group on Operational …, 2003
A surgical process management tool.
J Blake, M Carter, L O'Brien-Pallas, L McGillis-Hall
Medinfo. MEDINFO 8, 527-531, 1995
From Demand Forecasting to Inventory Ordering Decisions for Red Blood Cells Through Integrating Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling and Inventory Optimization
N Li, D Down, R Barty, JT Blake, F Chiang, T Courtney, M Waito, ...
Transfusion, 2021
Using simulation to evaluate a blood supply network in the Canadian maritime provinces
J Blake, M Hardy
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 26 (1/2), 119-134, 2013
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