RH Fitri Faradilla
RH Fitri Faradilla
Universitas Halu Oleo
在 uho.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Pewarna alami untuk pangan
N Andarwulan, RHF Faradilla
Seafast Center. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor, 2012
Nanocellulose characteristics from the inner and outer layer of banana pseudo-stem prepared by TEMPO-mediated oxidation
RHF Faradilla, G Lee, A Rawal, T Hutomo, MH Stenzel, J Arcot
Cellulose 23, 3023-3037, 2016
Characteristics of a free-standing film from banana pseudostem nanocellulose generated from TEMPO-mediated oxidation
RHF Faradilla, G Lee, JY Arns, J Roberts, P Martens, MH Stenzel, J Arcot
Carbohydrate polymers 174, 1156-1163, 2017
Effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecular weight and nanofillers on the properties of banana pseudostem nanocellulose films
RHF Faradilla, G Lee, P Sivakumar, M Stenzel, J Arcot
Carbohydrate polymers 205, 330-339, 2019
Effect of glycerol, nanoclay and graphene oxide on physicochemical properties of biodegradable nanocellulose plastic sourced from banana pseudo-stem
RHF Faradilla, G Lee, J Roberts, P Martens, M Stenzel, J Arcot
Cellulose 25, 399-416, 2018
Senyawa fenolik pada beberapa sayuran indigenous dari Indonesia
N Andarwulan, RF Faradilla
SEAFAST Center IPB. Bogor, 2012
Pemanfaatan komoditas lokal sebagai bahan baku pangan darurat
R Ekafitri, RHF Faradilla
Jurnal Pangan 20 (2), 153-162, 2011
Hydrothermal carbonization of soybean hulls for the generation of hydrochar: A promising valorization pathway for low value biomass
RHF Faradilla, L Lucia, M Hakovirta
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16, 100571, 2021
Remarkable physical and thermal properties of hydrothermal carbonized nanoscale cellulose observed from citric acid catalysis and acetone rinsing
RHF Faradilla, L Lucia, M Hakovirta
Nanomaterials 10 (6), 1049, 2020
The influences of coagulation conditions and storage proteins on the textural properties of soy-curd (tofu)
D Syah, AB Sitanggang, RHF Faradilla, V Trisna, Y Karsono, ...
CYTA-Journal of Food 13 (2), 259-263, 2015
Hydrothermal carbonization of nanofibrillated cellulose: a pioneering model study demonstrating the effect of size on final material qualities
S Johnson, RHF Faradilla, RA Venditti, L Lucia, M Hakovirta
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 8 (4), 1823-1830, 2020
Production of microcrystalline cellulose from tapioca solid waste: effect of acid concentration on its physicochemical properties
A Ansharullah, NMA Saenuddin, RF Faradilla, A Asranudin, A Asniar, ...
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi 23 (5), 147-151, 2020
Low energy and solvent free technique for the development of nanocellulose based bioplastic from banana pseudostem juice
RHF Faradilla, TAM Tamrin, S Rejeki, A Rahmi, J Arcot
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 4, 100261, 2022
Pengaruh penggunaan tepung bekatul dan tepung jagung (Zea mays L.) pada produk cookies makanan selingan penderita diabetes terhadap penilaian organoleptik dan nilai gizi
T Saputra, N Moh, R Fitri
J Sains dan Teknol Pangan 3 (6), 1768-82, 2018
Yuliana. 2013
R Fitri, L Yusuf
Deskripsi Pola Makan Penderita Maag pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Kesejahteraan …, 2014
Faradila R
N Andarwulan
Pewarna alami untuk pangan, 2012
Aplikasi Edible Coating dari Karagenan dengan Penambahan Xanthan Gum Terhadap Perubahan Mutu Pisang Muli (musa acuminata) Selama Penyimpanan
K Tambunan, RF Faradilla
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan 5 (3), 2898-2910, 2019
Faradilla., Fitri, RH, 2012
N Andarwulan
Senyawa Fenolik pada Buah Manggis Dari Indonesia, 0
Understanding the heat stability and solubility of cocoa bean shell extract as antioxidant and antibacterial functional ingredients.
RHF Faradilla, MN Ibrahim, S Rejeki, N Ufrianto, DR Cahyani
International Food Research Journal 27 (4), 2020
Improvement of physicochemical characteristics of kano white yam flour (Dioscorea rotundata) through fermentation process using SBM. 3D and SBM. 4A lactic acid bacteria
S Wahyuni, A Khaeruni, RHF Faradilla, NDP Dewi, S Zikira
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 454 (1), 012100, 2020
文章 1–20