Rosanne Rademaker
Rosanne Rademaker
Ernst Strüngmann Institute for Neuroscience in cooperation with the Max Planck Society
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Evaluating the mind’s eye: The metacognition of visual imagery
J Pearson, RL Rademaker, F Tong
Psychological science 22 (12), 1535-1542, 2011
Coexisting representations of sensory and mnemonic information in human visual cortex
RL Rademaker, C Chunharas, JT Serences
Nature neuroscience 22 (8), 1336-1344, 2019
Introspective judgments predict the precision and likelihood of successful maintenance of visual working memory
RL Rademaker, CH Tredway, F Tong
Journal of vision 12 (13), 21-21, 2012
Accounting for stimulus-specific variation in precision reveals a discrete capacity limit in visual working memory.
MS Pratte, YE Park, RL Rademaker, F Tong
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (1), 6, 2017
The impact of interference on short-term memory for visual orientation.
RL Rademaker, IM Bloem, P De Weerd, AT Sack
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 41 (6 …, 2015
Training visual imagery: Improvements of metacognition, but not imagery strength
RL Rademaker, J Pearson
Frontiers in psychology 3, 28252, 2012
Evidence of gradual loss of precision for simple features and complex objects in visual working memory.
RL Rademaker, YE Park, AT Sack, F Tong
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44 (6), 925, 2018
An adaptive perspective on visual working memory distortions.
C Chunharas, RL Rademaker, TF Brady, JT Serences
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (10), 2300, 2022
Essential considerations for exploring visual working memory storage in the human brain
P Iamshchinina, TB Christophel, S Gayet, RL Rademaker
Visual Cognition 29 (7), 425-436, 2021
The impact of early visual cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation on visual working memory precision and guess rate
RL Rademaker, VG van de Ven, F Tong, AT Sack
PloS one 12 (4), e0175230, 2017
How do visual and parietal cortex contribute to visual short-term memory?
EF Ester, RL Rademaker, TC Sprague
ENeuro 3 (2), 2016
Flexible utilization of spatial-and motor-based codes for the storage of visuo-spatial information
MM Henderson, RL Rademaker, JT Serences
Elife 11, e75688, 2022
Separating memoranda in depth increases visual working memory performance
C Chunharas, RL Rademaker, TC Sprague, TF Brady, JT Serences
Journal of Vision 19 (1), 4-4, 2019
Intensive tool-practice and skillfulness facilitate the extension of body representations in humans
RL Rademaker, DA Wu, IM Bloem, AT Sack
Neuropsychologia 56, 196-203, 2014
Evidence for, and challenges to, sensory recruitment models of visual working memory
KCS Adam, RL Rademaker, JT Serences
Visual memory, 5-25, 2022
Pinging the brain to reveal hidden memories
RL Rademaker, JT Serences
Nature neuroscience 20 (6), 767-769, 2017
Dissociable biases in orientation recall: The oblique effect follows retinal coordinates, while repulsion from cardinal follows real-world coordinates.
R Rademaker, C Chunharas, P Mamassian, J Serences
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 107-107, 2017
Dynamics are the only constant in working memory
KCS Adam, RL Rademaker, JT Serences
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 35 (1), 24-26, 2022
Manipulating attentional priority creates a trade-off between memory and sensory representations in human visual cortex
RL Rademaker, JT Serences
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 205b-205b, 2019
Reduced fading of visual afterimages after transcranial magnetic stimulation over early visual cortex
T Engelen, RL Rademaker, AT Sack
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 31 (9), 1368-1379, 2019
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