Віктор Халак / Victor Khalak / http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4384-6394
Віктор Халак / Victor Khalak / http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4384-6394
Інститут зернових культур НААН
在 lvet.edu.ua 的电子邮件经过验证
Effect of blood serum enzymes on meat qualities of piglet productivity
V Khalak, B Gutyj, O Bordun, M Ilchenko, A Horchanok
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (1), 158-161, 2020
System of antioxidant protection of the body of piglets under the action of feed additive “Butaselmevit-plus”
TV Martyshuk, BV Gutyj, VI Khalak
Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 4 (2), 38-43, 2021
Development and reproductive qualities of sows of different breeds: innovative and traditional methods of assessment
V Khalak, B Gutyj, О Bordun, A Horchanok, M Ilchenko, S Smyslov, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (2), 356-360, 2020
Breeding value and productivity in sows of the Large White breed
V Khalak, B Gutyj, O Stadnytska, I Shuvar, V Balkovskyi, H Korpita, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (1), 319-324, 2021
System of antioxidant protection of the body of piglets under the action of feed additive “Sylimevit”
LV Vyslotska, BV Gutyj, OV Kozenko, VI Khalak, MV Chornyj, ...
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2021
Инновационное развитие агропромышленного комплекса как фактор конкурентоспособности: проблемы, тенденции, перспективы
К Амброжы-Дереговска, СД Андреева, МВ Базылев, МХ Баймишев, ...
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 2020
Biometrychnyi analiz minlyvosti oznak silskohospodarskykh tvaryn i ptytsi
VP Kovalenko, VI Khalak, TI Nezhlukchenko, NS Papakina
Navchalnyi posibnyk z henetyky silskohospodarskykh tvaryn. Kherson: Oldi (in …, 2010
Біометричний аналіз мінливості ознак сільськогосподарських тварин і птиці
ВП Коваленко, ВІ Халак, ТІ Нежлукченко, НС Папакіна
Олді-плюс (Херсон), 2010
The level of products of lipid peroxidation in the blood of piglets at the action feed additive “Sylimevit”
LV Vyslotska, BV Gutyj, VI Khalak, TV Martyshuk, VB Todoriuk, ...
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2021
Innovative methods of evaluation of sows by indicators of reproductive qualities and criteria for their selection by some multicomponent mathematical models
VI Khalak, BV Gutyj, OM Bordun
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2022
DNA-type results swine for MS4R-gene and its association with productivity
AgroLife Scientific Journal 8 (1), 2019
Level of phenotypic manifestation of feeding and meat qualities of young pigs of different intrabreed differentiation according to some multi-component evaluation indexes
VI Khalak, BV Gutyj
Ukrainian journal of veterinary and agricultural sciences 5 (1), 66-70, 2022
The effectiveness of the use of the feed additive “Butaselmevit-plus” as part of compound feed for young pigs
TV Martyshuk, BV Gutyj, SV Sobolieva, VI Khalak, OY Vozna, VB Todoriuk
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2023
The biochemical indicators of blood serum and their relationship with fattening and meat qualities of young swine of different inbreed differentiation according to the sazer …
V Khalak, B Gutyj, O Bordun, O Stadnytska, M Ilchenko
Operating value and economic efficiency of Large White breed sows
V Khalak, B Gutyj, О Bordun, A Horchanok, M Ilchenko, S Smyslov, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 10 (4), 122-126, 2020
Біологічна повноцінність м’яса та сала молодняку свиней різного екогенезу
ВІ Халак
Аграрний вісник Причорномор’я, 54-58, 2010
Some biochemical indicators of serum, fattening and meat quality of young pigs of different classes of distribution according to the Sazer-Fredin index
V Khalak, I Dudchak, B Gutyj, O Stadnytska, V Vakulik, T Pundiak, M Zmiia, ...
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology 11 (7), 6-13, 2021
Feeding and meat qualities of young pigs of different origin and intensity of formation in early ontogenesis
VI Khalak, BV Gutyj, OI Stadnits’ka
Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies …, 2019
Biometrychnyy analiz minlyvosti oznak silskogospodarskyh tvaryn i ptytsi [Biometric analysis of the variability of traits of agricultural land. animals and birds]
VP Kovalenko, VI Khalak, TI Nezhlukchenko, NS Papakina
Kherson: Оldi-pljus, 2010
Efficiency of using some pol-ycomponent mathematical models of selection indi-ces for evaluation of young pigs for fattening and meat qualities
V Khalak, B Gutyj, M Il’chenko, A Shostya, S Usenko, P Petulko
Bulletin of Poltava State Agrarian Academy 2, 197-204, 2022
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