Use-conditional meaning. Studies in multidimensional semantics D Gutzmann Oxford University Press, 2015 | 434 | 2015 |
Expressives and beyond. An introduction to varieties of use-conditional meaning D Gutzmann Beyond expressives: Explorations in use-conditional meaning, 1-58, 2013 | 161 | 2013 |
The dimensions of verum D Gutzmann, EC Miró Empirical issues in syntax and semantics 8, 143-165, 2011 | 147 | 2011 |
Expressive modifiers and mixed expressives D Gutzmann Empirical issues in syntax and semantics 8, 123-141, 2011 | 115 | 2011 |
The grammar of expressivity D Gutzmann Oxford University Press, 2019 | 109 | 2019 |
Verum focus is verum, not focus: Cross-linguistic evidence D Gutzmann, K Hartmann, L Matthewson Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5 (1), 2020 | 98* | 2020 |
How quotation marks what people do with words D Gutzmann, E Stei Journal of Pragmatics 43 (10), 2650-2663, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
If expressivism is fun, go for it! D Gutzmann Subjective Meaning. Alternatives to Relativism, J. van Wijnbergen-Huitink …, 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
On the interaction between modal particles and sentence mood in German D Gutzmann Magisterarb. Mainz: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, 2008 | 43 | 2008 |
Betonte Modalpartikeln und Verumfokus D Gutzmann Elke Hentschel & eo Harden Hgg., Jahre Partikelforschung,–. Tübingen …, 2010 | 42 | 2010 |
Expressive intensifiers in German: syntax-semantics mismatches D Gutzmann, K Turgay Empirical issues in syntax and semantics 9, 149-166, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Beyond expressives: Explorations in use-conditional meaning D Gutzmann, HM Gärtner Leiden: Brill, 2013 | 35 | 2013 |
Eine Implikatur konventioneller Art: der Dativus Ethicus D Gutzmann Linguistische Berichte, 277-308, 2007 | 35* | 2007 |
Expressive intensifiers and external degree modification D Gutzmann, K Turgay The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 17 (3), 185-228, 2014 | 32 | 2014 |
Hybrid semantics for modal particles D Gutzmann Sprache und Datenverarbeitung 33 (1-2), 45-59, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
Verum–Fokus–Verum-Fokus? Fokus-basierte und lexikalische Ansätze D Gutzmann Wahrheit-Fokus-Negation, 69, 2016 | 30* | 2016 |
Use-conditional meaning and the semantics of pragmaticalization C Davis, D Gutzmann Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 19, 197-213, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
Modal particles≠ modal particles (= modal particles) D Gutzmann Discourse Particles. Formal approaches to their syntax and semantics. Berlin …, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Quantification with pejoratives D Gutzmann, E McCready Pejoration, 75-102, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Ob einer wohl recht hat? Zwei Satzmodustheorien für das Deutsche im Vergleich D Gutzmann Deutsche Sprache 39 (1), 65-84, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |