Data mining using two-dimensional optimized association rules: Scheme, algorithms, and visualization T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama Acm Sigmod Record 25 (2), 13-23, 1996 | 459 | 1996 |
Mining optimized association rules for numeric attributes T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on …, 1996 | 441 | 1996 |
Greedily finding a dense subgraph Y Asahiro, K Iwama, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama Journal of Algorithms 34 (2), 203-221, 2000 | 281 | 2000 |
CapsuleNet for micro-expression recognition N Van Quang, J Chun, T Tokuyama 2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture …, 2019 | 166 | 2019 |
Order-preserving matching J Kim, P Eades, R Fleischer, SH Hong, CS Iliopoulos, K Park, SJ Puglisi, ... Theoretical Computer Science 525, 68-79, 2014 | 160 | 2014 |
Finding a minimum weight K-link path in graphs with Monge property and applications A Aggarwal, B Schieber, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry, 189-197, 1993 | 148 | 1993 |
Data mining with optimized two-dimensional association rules T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 26 (2), 179-213, 2001 | 139 | 2001 |
Distribution of distances and triangles in a point set and algorithms for computing the largest common point sets T Akutsu, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the thirteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 1997 | 102 | 1997 |
Polynomial-time solutions to image segmentation T Asano, DZ Chen, N Katoh, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms …, 1996 | 92 | 1996 |
A generating function of strict Gelfand patterns and some formulas on characters of general linear groups T Tokuyama Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 40 (4), 671-685, 1988 | 92 | 1988 |
Computing Optimized Rectilinear Regions for Association Rules. K Yoda, T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama KDD 97, 96-103, 1997 | 86 | 1997 |
Algorithms for the maximum subarray problem based on matrix multiplication H Tamaki, T Tokuyama Interdisciplinary information sciences 6 (2), 99-104, 2000 | 82 | 2000 |
Covering points in the plane by k-tours: towards a polynomial time approximation scheme for general k T Asano, N Katoh, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1997 | 81 | 1997 |
Constructing E cient Decision Trees by Using Optimized Numeric Association Rules T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1996 | 81 | 1996 |
How to cut pseudo-parabolas into segments H Tamaki, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 230-237, 1995 | 81 | 1995 |
データマイニング 福田, 森本, 康彦, 徳山 (No Title), 2001 | 80 | 2001 |
Algorithms for mining association rules for binary segmentations of huge categorical databases Y Morimoto, T Fukuda, H Matsuzawa, T Tokuyama, K Yoda VLDB 98, 380-391, 1998 | 79 | 1998 |
Minimizing interference of a wireless ad-hoc network in a plane MM Halldórsson, T Tokuyama Theoretical Computer Science 402 (1), 29-42, 2008 | 76 | 2008 |
Walking on an arrangement topologically T Asano, LJ Guibas, T Tokuyama Proceedings of the seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 297-306, 1991 | 69 | 1991 |
Greedily finding a dense subgraph Y Asahiro, K Iwama, H Tamaki, T Tokuyama Algorithm Theory—SWAT'96: 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory …, 1996 | 66 | 1996 |