Paola Arias-Arévalo
Paola Arias-Arévalo
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Exploring intrinsic, instrumental, and relational values for sustainable management of social-ecological systems
P Arias-Arévalo, B Martín-López, E Gómez-Baggethun
Ecology and Society 22 (4), 2017
Widening the evaluative space for ecosystem services: A taxonomy of plural values and valuation methods
P Arias-Arévaloa, E Gómez-Baggethunb, B Martín-Lópezd, ...
Environmental Values, 2018
Diverse values of nature for sustainability
U Pascual, P Balvanera, CB Anderson, R Chaplin-Kramer, M Christie, ...
Nature 620 (7975), 813-823, 2023
Plural valuation of nature for equity and sustainability: Insights from the Global South
N Zafra-Calvo, P Balvanera, U Pascual, J Merçon, B Martín-López, ...
Global environmental change 63, 102115, 2020
State-of-the-art report on integrated valuation of ecosystem services
E Gómez-Baggethun, B Martín-López, D Barton, L Braat, H Saarikoski, ...
EU FP7 OpenNESS project deliverable 4, 1-33, 2014
Valoración integral de la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos: aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos
A Rincón-Ruíz, M Echeverry-Duque, AM Piñeros, CH Tapia, A David, ...
Bogotá, DC: IAvH, 2014
Environmental sustainability in post-conflict countries: insights for rural Colombia
A Suarez, PA Árias-Arévalo, E Martínez-Mera
Environment, Development and Sustainability 20, 997–1015, 2018
Applying integrated valuation of ecosystem services in Latin America: Insights from 21 case studies
A Rincón-Ruiz, P Arias-Arévalo, JMN Hernández, H Cotler, MA Caso, ...
Ecosystem Services 36, 2019
Conceptualizing the diverse values of nature and their contributions to people
CB Anderson, S Athayde, CM Raymond, A Vatn, P Arias-Arévalo, ...
The Methodological Assessment Report on The Diverse Values and Valuation of …, 2022
Motivational crowding effects in payments for ecosystem services: Exploring the role of instrumental and relational values
Bosco Lliso, Paola Arias-Arévalo, Stefany Maca-Millán, Stefanie Engel, Unai ...
People and Nature, 2022
An inclusive typology of values for navigating transformations towards a just and sustainable future
CM Raymond, CB Anderson, S Athayde, A Vatn, AM Amin, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64, 101301, 2023
Involving victim population in environmentally sustainable strategies: An analysis for post-conflict Colombia
A Suarez, P Arias-Arévalo, E Martinez-Mera, C Granobles-Torres, ...
Science of The Total Environment 643, 1223-1231, 2018
The role of value (s) in theories of human behavior
RK Gould, TM Soares, P Arias-Arévalo, M Cantú-Fernandez, D Baker, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64, 101355, 2023
Payment for ecosystem services and motivational crowding: experimental insights regarding the integration of plural values via non-monetary incentives
S Maca-Millán, P Arias-Arévalo, L Restrepo-Plaza
Ecosystem Services 52, 101375, 2021
Justice, sustainability, and the diverse values of nature: why they matter for biodiversity conservation
D Lenzi, P Balvanera, P Arias-Arévalo, U Eser, L Guibrunet, A Martin, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64, 101353, 2023
The role of power in leveraging the diverse values of nature for transformative change
P Arias-Arévalo, E Lazos-Chavero, AS Monroy-Sais, SH Nelson, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 64, 101352, 2023
Hacia el desarrollo sostenible en Colombia
M Pérez, J Rojas, P Arias-Arévalo, MA Zabala, E Guhl-Nannetti, ...
Senado de la República, Piensa Colombia, documentos de política pública: los …, 2008
Implementación de pagos por servicios ambientales en la Cuenca del río Cali, Colombia: una mirada desde los sistemas socioecológicos
P Arias-Arévalo, N Pacheco-Valdés
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 61 (2), e256251, 2022
Hacia una valoración Incluyente y plural de la Biodiversidad y los Servicios Ecosistémicos: visiones, avances y retos en América Latina
A Rincón Ruiz, P Arias Arévalo, M Clavijo Romero
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá, 2022
Integrated valuation of Biodiversity and ecosystem services: conceptual and metholological aspects
A Rincón Ruíz, MA Echeverry-Duque, AM Piñeros, C Tapia Caicedo, ...
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