Scott R. David
Scott R. David
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Dynamics of surface‐water connectivity in a low‐gradient meandering river floodplain
JA Czuba, SR David, DA Edmonds, AS Ward
Water Resources Research 55 (3), 1849-1870, 2019
Controls on the occurrence and prevalence of floodplain channels in meandering rivers
SR David, DA Edmonds, SL Letsinger
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (3), 460-472, 2017
Sediment transport potential in a hydraulically connected river and floodplain‐channel system
S Sumaiya, JA Czuba, JT Schubert, SR David, GH Johnston, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (5), e2020WR028852, 2021
Connecting fluvial levee deposition to flood‐basin hydrology
GH Johnston, SR David, DA Edmonds
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (7), 1996-2012, 2019
USUAL Watershed Tools: A new geospatial toolkit for hydro-geomorphic delineation
SR David, BP Murphy, JA Czuba, M Ahammad, P Belmont
Environmental Modelling & Software 159, 105576, 2023
Channelization of meandering river floodplains by headcutting
SR David, JA Czuba, DA Edmonds
Geology 47 (1), 15-18, 2019
Glacial isostatic adjustment directed incision of the Channeled Scabland by Ice Age megafloods
T Pico, SR David, IJ Larsen, AC Mix, K Lehnigk, MP Lamb
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (8), e2109502119, 2022
Narrower Paleo‐Canyons Downsize Megafloods
SR David, IJ Larsen, MP Lamb
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (11), e2022GL097861, 2022
The influence of floodplain channel connectivity on flood hydrodynamics
SR David, JA Czuba, DA Edmonds, AS Ward
Authorea Preprints, 2022
A machine learning model to predict wildfire burn severity for pre-fire risk assessments, Utah, USA
KB Klimas, LL Yocom, BP Murphy, SR David, PB Belmont, JA Lutz, ...
Rates of bedrock canyon incision by megafloods, Channeled Scabland, eastern Washington, USA
KE Lehnigk, IJ Larsen, MP Lamb, SR David
Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2024
Data for" Rates of bedrock canyon incision by megafloods, Channeled Scabland, USA"
KE Lehnigk, IJ Larsen, MP Lamb, SR David
Drivers of Earth's Surface Change in an Era of Rapid Climate and Land Use Change III Oral
E Thaler, JS Kwang, D Li, SR David, KE Lehnigk, T Figueroa-Colón, ...
AGU23, 2023
Fire-WATER: predicting post-wildfire sedimentation cascades and the vulnerability of water supply reservoirs
SR David, BP Murphy, M Ahammad, P Belmont, JA Czuba, L Yocom, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, EP21A-04, 2023
Fire-WATER: a new GIS framework to assess post-wildfire erosion, watershed-scale sediment dynamics, and downstream impacts in the western US
SR David
Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023, 2023
Control of flow sequence and spatial distribution of debris flow input on river network modeling
M Ahammad
Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023, 2023
Predicting post-wildfire risks to and vulnerability of transportation infrastructure
SR David, P Belmont, BP Murphy, M Ahammad
Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023: Conferences on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, 2023
Water supply vulnerability to post-wildfire reservoir sedimentation: A new modeling framework for the western US and applications to Salt Lake City, Utah
BP Murphy, SR David, P Belmont, M Ahammad, JA Czuba, S Wall, ...
Proceedings of SEDHYD 2023: Conferences on Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling, 2023
Control of flow hydrograph sequencing on modeling debris-flow routing in river networks
M Ahammad, JA Czuba, BP Murphy, SR David, P Belmont
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H22O-0995, 2022
Glacial isostatic adjustment as a director of ice-age megaflood incision in the Channeled Scabland
T Pico, SR David, IJ Larsen, K Lehnigk, A Mix, MP Lamb
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, EP12B-06, 2022
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