Martin Neukom
Martin Neukom
Development Engineer at Fluxim AG, Switzerland
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Opto-electronic characterization of third-generation solar cells
M Neukom, S Züfle, S Jenatsch, B Ruhstaller
Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 19 (1), 291-316, 2018
Consistent device simulation model describing perovskite solar cells in steady-state, transient, and frequency domain
MT Neukom, A Schiller, S Züfle, E Knapp, J Ávila, D Pérez-del-Rey, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (26), 23320-23328, 2019
Why perovskite solar cells with high efficiency show small IV-curve hysteresis
MT Neukom, S Züfle, E Knapp, M Makha, R Hany, B Ruhstaller
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 169, 159-166, 2017
Charge extraction with linearly increasing voltage: A numerical model for parameter extraction
MT Neukom, NA Reinke, B Ruhstaller
Solar Energy 85 (6), 1250-1256, 2011
Reliable extraction of organic solar cell parameters by combining steady-state and transient techniques
MT Neukom, S Züfle, B Ruhstaller
Organic Electronics 13 (12), 2910-2916, 2012
Improved efficiency of bulk heterojunction hybrid solar cells by utilizing CdSe quantum dot–graphene nanocomposites
M Eck, C Van Pham, S Züfle, M Neukom, M Sessler, D Scheunemann, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (24), 12251-12260, 2014
Determination of charge transport activation energy and injection barrier in organic semiconductor devices
S Züfle, S Altazin, A Hofmann, L Jäger, MT Neukom, W Brütting, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (11), 2017
An effective area approach to model lateral degradation in organic solar cells
S Züfle, MT Neukom, S Altazin, M Zinggeler, M Chrapa, T Offermans, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (20), 1500835, 2015
The use of charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage in polar organic light-emitting diodes
S Züfle, S Altazin, A Hofmann, L Jäger, MT Neukom, TD Schmidt, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (17), 2017
Influence of molybdenum oxide interface solvent sensitivity on charge trapping in bilayer cyanine solar cells
S Jenatsch, R Hany, AC Veron, M Neukom, S Züfle, A Borgschulte, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (30), 17036-17045, 2014
Quantitative analysis of charge transport in intrinsic and doped organic semiconductors combining steady-state and frequency-domain data
S Jenatsch, S Altazin, PA Will, MT Neukom, E Knapp, S Züfle, S Lenk, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (10), 2018
Transient photocurrent response of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
MT Neukom, NA Reinke, KA Brossi, B Ruhstaller
Organic Photonics IV 7722, 121-132, 2010
Charge carrier dynamics of methylammonium lead-iodide perovskite solar cells
MT Neukom
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06425, 2016
Comprehensive characterization and modelling of operation mechanisms in third generation solar cells
M Neukom
Improved hole injection in bulk heterojunction (BHJ) hybrid solar cells by applying a thermally reduced graphene oxide buffer layer
AF Madsuha, C Van Pham, M Eck, M Neukom, M Krueger
Journal of Nanomaterials 2019 (1), 6095863, 2019
e, A. Borgschulte, B. Ruhstaller and FA Nüesch
S Jenatsch, R Hany, AC Véron, M Neukom, S Zü
J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 17036-17045, 2014
38.1: Quantitative Analysis of Charge Transport in Single‐Carrier Devices and OLEDs Combining DC and AC Data
S Jenatsch, S Züfle, PA Will, B Blülle, M Neukom, D Braga, S Lenk, ...
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 50, 414-417, 2019
Modelling temperature-dependent current-voltage curves of organic photovoltaic devices
S Zuefle, MT Neukom, B Perucco, NA Reinke, B Ruhstaller
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2011
Opto-electronic characterization of third generation solar cells Supplemental information
M Neukom, S Züfle, S Jenatsch, B Ruhstaller
Explanation for reduced IV-curve hysteresis in highly efficient perovskite solar cells
MT Neukom, S Altazin, E Knapp, B Ruhstaller
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