Elizabeth Haines
Elizabeth Haines
在 wpunj.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Many Labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings
RA Klein, M Vianello, F Hasselman, BG Adams, RB Adams Jr, S Alper, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 443-490, 2018
The times they are a-changing… or are they not? A comparison of gender stereotypes, 1983–2014
EL Haines, K Deaux, N Lofaro
Psychology of Women Quarterly 40 (3), 353-363, 2016
Mothers and fathers in the workplace: How gender and parental status influence judgments of job‐related competence
K Fuegen, M Biernat, E Haines, K Deaux
Journal of Social issues 60 (4), 737-754, 2004
Gender stereotypes.
ME Kite, K Deaux, EL Haines
Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008
Placating the powerless: Effects of legitimate and illegitimate explanation on affect, memory, and stereotyping
EL Haines, JT Jost
Social Justice Research 13, 219-236, 2000
Implicit measurement of attitudes, stereotypes, and self-concepts in organizations: Teaching old dogmas new tricks
EL Haines, KE Sumner
Organizational Research Methods 9 (4), 536-553, 2006
Psychological science in the wake of COVID-19: Social, methodological, and metascientific considerations
DL Rosenfeld, E Balcetis, B Bastian, ET Berkman, JK Bosson, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (2), 311-333, 2022
Self‐power associations: the possession of power impacts women's self‐concepts
EL Haines, LJ Kray
European Journal of Social Psychology 35 (5), 643-662, 2005
Open science, communal culture, and women’s participation in the movement to improve science
MC Murphy, AF Mejia, J Mejia, X Yan, S Cheryan, N Dasgupta, M Destin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39), 24154-24164, 2020
The role prioritization model: How communal men and agentic women can (sometimes) have it all
EL Haines, SJ Stroessner
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 13 (12), e12504, 2019
Gender stereotypes and the coordination of mnemonic work within heterosexual couples: Romantic partners manage their daily to-dos
JN Ahn, EL Haines, MF Mason
Sex Roles 77, 435-452, 2017
Differential timing of a conserved transcriptional network underlies divergent cortical projection routes across mammalian brain evolution
A Paolino, LR Fenlon, P Kozulin, E Haines, JWC Lim, LJ Richards, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 117 (19), 10554-10564, 2020
Gender stereotypes. Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories
ME Kite, K Deaux, EL Haines, FL Denmark, MA Paludi
Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2008
Digging deeper or piling it higher? Implicit measurement in organizational behavior and human resource management
EL Haines, KE Sumner
Human Resource Management Review 23 (3), 229-241, 2013
Conducting social psychological research in the wake of COVID-19
DL Rosenfeld, E Balcetis, B Bastian, E Berkman, J Bosson, T Brannon, ...
PsyArXiv doi 10, 2020
Elements of a social power schema: Gender standpoint, self-concept, and experience
EL Haines
City University of New York, 1999
Stereotype relevance moderates category activation: Evidence from the indirect category accessibility task (ICAT)
SJ Stroessner, EL Haines, JW Sherman, CJ Kantrowitz
Social Psychological and Personality Science 1 (4), 335-343, 2010
Women’s work: Remembering communal goals.
EE Moulton-Tetlock, JN Ahn, EL Haines, MF Mason
Motivation Science 5 (2), 157, 2019
Implicit bias, executive control and information processing speed
BJ Diamond, EL Haines, AC Moors, JE Mosley, D McKim, J Moreines
Journal of Cognition and Culture 12 (3-4), 183-193, 2012
The self as a central tenet of our psychology: New perspectives on the self
MJ Bernstein, H Elizabeth
Self and Identity 17 (4), 367-370, 2018
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