André Wählisch
André Wählisch
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Speciation of iron sulfide compounds by means of X-ray emission spectroscopy using a compact full-cylinder von Hamos spectrometer
M Wansleben, J Vinson, A Wählisch, K Bzheumikhova, P Hönicke, ...
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 35 (11), 2679-2685, 2020
Validation of secondary fluorescence excitation in quantitative X-ray fluorescence analysis of thin alloy films
A Wählisch, C Streeck, P Hönicke, B Beckhoff
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 35 (8), 1664-1670, 2020
Experimental determination of line energies, line widths and relative transition probabilities of the gadolinium l x-ray emission spectrum
M Wansleben, Y Kayser, P Hönicke, I Holfelder, A Wählisch, ...
Metrologia 56 (6), 065007, 2019
The 12th International Conference on instrumental analysis—modern trends and applications (20–23 September 2021, virtual event)
M Mitrakas, M Ochsenkühn-Petropoulou
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11767, 2021
Experimental determination of the gadolinium L subshells fluorescence yields and Coster‐Kronig transition probabilities
Y Kayser, P Hönicke, M Wansleben, A Wählisch, B Beckhoff
X‐Ray Spectrometry 52 (5), 235-246, 2023
Quantitative Element‐Sensitive Analysis of Individual Nanoobjects
A Wählisch, R Unterumsberger, P Hönicke, J Lubeck, Y Kayser, J Weser, ...
Small 19 (9), 2204943, 2023
Small target compatible dimensional and analytical metrology for semiconductor nanostructures using x-ray fluorescence techniques
P Hönicke, Y Kayser, V Soltwisch, A Wählisch, N Wauschkuhn, ...
Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control XXXVII 12496, 421-427, 2023
Polychromatic and Microfocused X-ray Radiation for Traceable Quantitative X-ray Fluorescence Analysis
Y Kayser, R Unterumsberger, A Wahlisch, K Bzheumikhova, P Philipp, ...
MJH Life Sciences 36, 13–16-13–16, 2021
Reference-free x-ray fluorescence analysis with a micrometer-sized incident beam
P Hönicke, A Wählisch, R Unterumsberger, B Beckhoff, J Bogdanowicz, ...
Nanotechnology 35 (28), 285702, 2024
Entwicklung und Validierung neuartiger röntgenspektrometrischer Verfahren
A Wählisch
PQDT-Global, 2024
Corrigendum: Experimental determination of differential scattering coefficients for nickel by means of linearly polarized x-ray radiation (2023 Metrologia 60 035001)
A Wählisch, M Wansleben, J Weser, C Stadelhoff, I Holfelder, Y Kayser, ...
Metrologia 60 (5), 059501, 2023
Experimental determination of differential scattering coefficients for nickel by means of linearly polarized x-ray radiation
A Wählisch, M Wansleben, J Weser, C Stadelhoff, I Holfelder, Y Kayser, ...
Metrologia 60 (3), 035001, 2023
Reference-free X-ray fluorescence analysis using well-known polychromatic synchrotron radiation
A Wählisch, M Wansleben, R Unterumsberger, Y Kayser, B Beckhoff
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 38 (9), 1865-1873, 2023
Dataset of experimentally determined differential scattering coefficients for nickel
A Wählisch, M Wansleben, J Weser, C Stadelhoff, I Holfelder, Y Kayser, ...
PTB-OAR, 2023
Speciation of FeS and FeS by means of X-ray Emission Spectroscopy using a compact full-cylinder von Hamos spectrometer
M Wansleben, J Vinson, A Wählisch, K Bzheumikhova, P Hönicke, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.09509, 2020
Traceable analysis of aerosols and advanced materials at the nano-and microscales by X-ray spectrometry
B Beckhoff, K Bzheumikhova, P Hönicke, Y Kayser, C Stadelhoff, ...
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