Organizational images and member identification JE Dutton, JM Dukerich, CV Harquail Administrative science quarterly, 239-263, 1994 | 8466 | 1994 |
Crafting a job: Revisioning employees as active crafters of their work A Wrzesniewski, JE Dutton Academy of management review 26 (2), 179-201, 2001 | 6620 | 2001 |
Keeping an eye on the mirror: Image and identity in organizational adaptation JE Dutton, JM Dukerich Academy of management journal 34 (3), 517-554, 1991 | 5495 | 1991 |
Threat rigidity effects in organizational behavior: A multilevel analysis BM Staw, LE Sandelands, JE Dutton Administrative science quarterly, 501-524, 1981 | 5259 | 1981 |
The adoption of radical and incremental innovations: An empirical analysis RD Dewar, JE Dutton Management science 32 (11), 1422-1433, 1986 | 4193 | 1986 |
Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline K Cameron, J Dutton Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2003 | 3017 | 2003 |
Categorizing strategic issues: Links to organizational action JE Dutton, SE Jackson Academy of management review 12 (1), 76-90, 1987 | 2657 | 1987 |
The power of high-quality connections JE Dutton, ED Heaphy Positive organizational scholarship: Foundations of a new discipline 3 (3 …, 2003 | 2296* | 2003 |
Selling issues to top management JE Dutton, SJ Ashford Academy of management review 18 (3), 397-428, 1993 | 2142 | 1993 |
Organizational identity and identification: Charting new waters and building new bridges S Albert, BE Ashforth, JE Dutton Academy of management review 25 (1), 13-17, 2000 | 1950 | 2000 |
A socially embedded model of thriving at work G Spreitzer, K Sutcliffe, J Dutton, S Sonenshein, AM Grant Organization science 16 (5), 537-549, 2005 | 1847 | 2005 |
Discerning threats and opportunities SE Jackson, JE Dutton Administrative science quarterly, 370-387, 1988 | 1505 | 1988 |
The creation of momentum for change through the process of strategic issue diagnosis JE Dutton, RB Duncan Strategic management journal 8 (3), 279-295, 1987 | 1442 | 1987 |
Interpersonal sensemaking and the meaning of work A Wrzesniewski, JE Dutton, G Debebe Research in organizational behavior 25, 93-135, 2003 | 1339 | 2003 |
Moves that matter: Issue selling and organizational change JE Dutton, SJ Ashford, RM O'Neill, KA Lawrence Academy of Management journal 44 (4), 716-736, 2001 | 1308 | 2001 |
Perceiving and responding to challenges in job crafting at different ranks: When proactivity requires adaptivity JM Berg, A Wrzesniewski, JE Dutton Journal of organizational behavior 31 (2‐3), 158-186, 2010 | 1293 | 2010 |
Pathways for positive identity construction at work: Four types of positive identity and the building of social resources JE Dutton, LM Roberts, J Bednar Academy of management review 35 (2), 265-293, 2010 | 1223 | 2010 |
Exploring positive relationships at work: Building a theoretical and research foundation JE Dutton, BR Ragins Psychology Press, 2017 | 1121* | 2017 |
Out on a limb: The role of context and impression management in selling gender-equity issues SJ Ashford, NP Rothbard, SK Piderit, JE Dutton Administrative Science Quarterly, 23-57, 1998 | 1078 | 1998 |
Reading the wind: How middle managers assess the context for selling issues to top managers JE Dutton, SJ Ashford, RM O’neill, E Hayes, EE Wierba Strategic management journal 18 (5), 407-423, 1997 | 1066 | 1997 |