Ditaranto Mario
Ditaranto Mario
SINTEF Energy Research
在 sintef.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Combustion instabilities in sudden expansion oxy–fuel flames
M Ditaranto, J Hals
Combustion and flame 146 (3), 493-512, 2006
Waste-to-energy technology integrated with carbon capture–Challenges and opportunities
P Wienchol, A Szlęk, M Ditaranto
Energy 198, 117352, 2020
Technologies for increasing CO2 concentration in exhaust gas from natural gas-fired power production with post-combustion, amine-based CO2 capture
H Li, M Ditaranto, D Berstad
Energy 36 (2), 1124-1133, 2011
Impacts of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on the natural gas combined cycle integrated with chemical absorption CO2 capture technology
H Li, G Haugen, M Ditaranto, D Berstad, K Jordal
Energy Procedia 4, 1411-1418, 2011
Concept of hydrogen fired gas turbine cycle with exhaust gas recirculation: Assessment of process performance
M Ditaranto, T Heggset, D Berstad
Energy 192, 116646, 2020
Application of a Central Composite Design for the Study of NOx Emission Performance of a Low NOx Burner
M Dutka, M Ditaranto, T Løvås
Energies 8 (5), 3606-3627, 2015
Single stage gaseous fuel burner with low NOx emissions
Ø Spangelo, OK Sonju, T Slungaard, M Ditaranto
US Patent 8,292,615, 2012
Capturing CO2 from biogas plants
H Li, Y Tan, M Ditaranto, J Yan, Z Yu
Energy procedia 114, 6030-6035, 2017
Radiative heat flux characteristics of methane flames in oxy-fuel atmospheres
M Ditaranto, T Oppelt
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 35 (7), 1343-1350, 2011
CFD modeling and thermodynamic analysis of a concept of a MILD-OXY combustion large scale pulverized coal boiler
WP Adamczyk, RA Bialecki, M Ditaranto, P Gladysz, NEL Haugen, ...
Energy 140, 1305-1315, 2017
Carbon capture with low energy penalty: Supplementary fired natural gas combined cycles
H Li, M Ditaranto, J Yan
Applied energy 97, 164-169, 2012
Study of a full scale oxy-fuel cement rotary kiln
M Ditaranto, J Bakken
International journal of greenhouse gas control 83, 166-175, 2019
Investigation on the in-flame NO reburning in turbine exhaust gas
M Ditaranto, J Hals, T Bjørge
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2), 2659-2666, 2009
Concept of hydrogen fired gas turbine cycle with exhaust gas recirculation: Assessment of combustion and emissions performance
M Ditaranto, H Li, T Løvås
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 37, 377-383, 2015
On the structure of the near field of oxy-fuel jet flames using Raman/Rayleigh laser diagnostics
A Sevault, M Dunn, RS Barlow, M Ditaranto
Combustion and Flame 159 (11), 3342-3352, 2012
Structural aspects of coaxial oxy-fuel flames
M Ditaranto, JC Sautet, JM Samaniego
Experiments in fluids 30 (3), 253-261, 2001
NOx emissions and turbulent flow field in a partially premixed bluff body burner with CH4 and H2 fuels
M Dutka, M Ditaranto, T Løvås
International journal of hydrogen energy 41 (28), 12397-12410, 2016
Experimental study of oxy-fuel combustion under gas turbine conditions
I Saanum, M Ditaranto
Energy & Fuels 31 (4), 4445-4451, 2017
Performance and NOx emissions of refinery fired heaters retrofitted to hydrogen combustion
M Ditaranto, R Anantharaman, T Weydahl
Energy Procedia 37, 7214-7220, 2013
Concept for a combustion system in oxyfuel gas turbine combined cycles
SG Sundkvist, A Dahlquist, J Janczewski, M Sjödin, M Bysveen, ...
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 136 (10), 101513, 2014
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