Digital systems design with FPGAs and CPLDs I Grout Elsevier, 2011 | 301 | 2011 |
Simulation and construction of a speed control for a DC series motor J Santana, JL Naredo, F Sandoval, I Grout, OJ Argueta mechatronics 12 (9-10), 1145-1156, 2002 | 85 | 2002 |
Defect-oriented vs schematic-level based fault simulation for mixed-signal ICs T Olbrich, J Pérez, IA Grout, AMD Richardson, C Ferrer Proceedings International Test Conference 1996. Test and Design Validity …, 1996 | 72 | 1996 |
Integrated circuit test engineering: modern techniques IA Grout Springer Science & Business Media, 2005 | 65 | 2005 |
Remote laboratories as a means to widen participation in STEM education I Grout Education Sciences 7 (4), 85, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Secure hash algorithm-3 (SHA-3) implementation on Xilinx FPGAs, suitable for IoT applications M Rao, T Newe, I Grout International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 7 (5), 1-6, 2014 | 38 | 2014 |
A reconfigurable low-noise amplifier using a tunable active inductor for multistandard receivers HB Kia, AK A’ain, I Grout, I Kamisian Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 32, 979-992, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Wide tuning-range CMOS VCO based on a tunable active inductor H Babaei Kia, A Khari A’ain, I Grout International Journal of Electronics 101 (1), 88-97, 2014 | 34 | 2014 |
AES implementation on Xilinx FPGAs suitable for FPGA based WBSNs M Rao, T Newe, I Grout 2015 9th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST), 773-778, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Supporting access to STEM subjects in higher education for students with disabilities using remote laboratories I Grout Proceedings of 2015 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and …, 2015 | 21 | 2015 |
Local and remote laboratory user experimentation access using digital programmable logic IA Grout, J Murphy, J Walsh, T O'Shea International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) 1 (1), 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
An approach to realistic fault prediction and layout design for testability in analog circuits JA Prieto, A Rueda, I Grout, E Peralías, JL Huertas, AMD Richardson Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 905-909, 1998 | 17 | 1998 |
A Matlab to VHDL conversion toolbox for digital control LA Grout, K Keane IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33 (24), 13-17, 2000 | 15 | 2000 |
Remote laboratories to support electrical and information engineering (EIE) laboratory access for students with disabilities I Grout 2014 25th EAEEIE Annual Conference (EAEEIE), 21-24, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
A joint master program in remote engineering ME Auer, I Grout, K Henke, R Safaric, D Ursutiu International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE)[Online] 2 (2), 2006 | 14 | 2006 |
High speed implementation of a SHA-3 core on Virtex-5 and Virtex-6 FPGAs M Rao, T Newe, I Grout, A Mathur Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 25 (07), 1650069, 2016 | 13 | 2016 |
An optical fiber sensor based on cladding photoluminescence for high power microwave plasma ultraviolet lamps used in water treatment C Fitzpatrick, E Lewis, A Al-Shamma’a, I Pandithas, J Cullen, J Lucas Optical review 8, 459-462, 2001 | 12 | 2001 |
Modeling, simulation and synthesis: From Simulink to VHDL generated hardware IA Grout Proceedings of the 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and …, 2001 | 12 | 2001 |
An FPGA‐based reconfigurable IPSec AH core with efficient implementation of SHA‐3 for high speed IoT applications M Rao, T Newe, I Grout, A Mathur Security and Communication Networks 9 (16), 3282-3295, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
FPGA based reconfigurable IPSec AH core suitable for IoT applications M Rao, T Newe, I Grout, E Lewis, A Mathur 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |