Luís Carlos Timm
Luís Carlos Timm
Professor de Engenharia Rural, Universidade Federal de Pelotas
在 pq.cnpq.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Solo, planta e atmosfera: conceitos, processos e aplicações
K Reichardt, LC Timm
Effects of deficit irrigation and biochar addition on the growth, yield, and quality of tomato
GHD Agbna, S Dongli, L Zhipeng, NA Elshaikh, S Guangcheng, LC Timm
Scientia Horticulturae 222, 90-101, 2017
Multiseason recoveries of organic and inorganic nitrogen‐15 in tropical cropping systems
D Dourado-Neto, D Powlson, RA Bakar, OOS Bacchi, MDV Basanta, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 74 (1), 139-152, 2010
Management effects on nitrogen recovery in a sugarcane crop grown in Brazil
MV Basanta, D Dourado-Neto, K Reichardt, OOS Bacchi, JCM Oliveira, ...
Geoderma 116 (1-2), 235-248, 2003
Visual examinations and soil physical and hydraulic properties for assessing soil structural quality of soils with contrasting textures and land uses
MP Moncada, LH Penning, LC Timm, D Gabriels, WM Cornelis
Soil and Tillage Research 140, 20-28, 2014
State-space approach for the analysis of soil water content and temperature in a sugarcane crop
D Dourado-Neto, LC Timm, JCM Oliveira, K Reichardt, OOS Bacchi, ...
Scientia Agricola 56, 1215-1221, 1999
Field spatial and temporal patterns of soil water content and bulk density changes
LC Timm, LF Pires, R Roveratti, RCJ Arthur, K Reichardt, JCM Oliveira, ...
Scientia Agricola 63, 55-64, 2006
Temporal processes of soil water status in a sugarcane field under residue management
GO Awe, JM Reichert, LC Timm, OO Wendroth
Plant and soil 387, 395-411, 2015
Variability of soil water content and bulk density in a sugarcane field
TT Tominaga, FAM Cassaro, OOS Bacchi, K Reichardt, JCM Oliveira, ...
Soil Research 40 (4), 604-614, 2002
Soil temperature in a sugar-cane crop as a function of the management system
JCM Oliveira, LC Timm, TT Tominaga, FAM Cassaro, K Reichardt, ...
Plant and Soil 230, 61-66, 2001
Soil bulk density evaluation by conventional and nuclear methods
LC Timm, LF Pires, K Reichardt, R Roveratti, JCM Oliveira, OOS Bacchi
Soil Research 43 (1), 97-103, 2005
Soil compressibility and least limiting water range of a constructed soil under cover crops after coal mining in Southern Brazil
CLR de Lima, ECC Miola, LC Timm, EA Pauletto, AP da Silva
Soil and Tillage Research 124, 190-195, 2012
Textura do solo: conceitos e aplicações em solos arenosos
LN Centeno, MDF Guevara, ST Cecconello, RO de Sousa, LC Timm
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia e Sustentabilidade 4 (1), 31-37, 2017
Potential of the LASH model for water resources management in data-scarce basins: a case study of the Fragata River basin, southern Brazil
S Beskow, LC Timm, VEQ Tavares, TL Caldeira, LS Aquino
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (14), 2567-2578, 2016
Soil, plant and atmosphere
K Reichardt, LC Timm
Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, Switzerland, Springer Cham, 2014
Spatial variability of the chemical, physical and biological properties in lowland cultivated with irrigated rice
JMB Parfitt, LC Timm, EA Pauletto, RO Sousa, DD Castilhos, CL Ávila, ...
Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 33, 819-830, 2009
Sugarcane production evaluated by the state-space approach
LC Timm, K Reichardt, JCM Oliveira, FAM Cassaro, TT Tominaga, ...
Journal of Hydrology 272 (1-4), 226-237, 2003
Delineation of management zones in a peach orchard using multivariate and geostatistical analyses
H Oldoni, VSS Terra, LC Timm, CR Júnior, AB Monteiro
Soil and Tillage Research 191, 1-10, 2019
Visual examination of changes in soil structural quality due to land use
MP Moncada, LH Penning, LC Timm, D Gabriels, WM Cornelis
Soil and Tillage Research 173, 83-91, 2017
Multi-scale correlations between soil hydraulic properties and associated factors along a Brazilian watershed transect
S Dongli, C Qian, LC Timm, S Beskow, H Wei, TL Caldeira, LM de Oliveira
Geoderma 286, 15-24, 2017
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