Joon-Hee Lee
Joon-Hee Lee
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Silver-ion-mediated reactive oxygen species generation affecting bactericidal activity
HJ Park, JY Kim, J Kim, JH Lee, JS Hahn, MB Gu, J Yoon
Water research 43 (4), 1027-1032, 2009
Activity of purified QscR, a Pseudomonas aeruginosa orphan quorum‐sensing transcription factor
JH Lee, Y Lequette, EP Greenberg
Molecular microbiology 59 (2), 602-609, 2006
The influence of iron on Pseudomonas aeruginosa physiology: a regulatory link between iron and quorum sensing
AG Oglesby, JM Farrow, JH Lee, AP Tomaras, EP Greenberg, EC Pesci, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283 (23), 15558-15567, 2008
A Distinct QscR Regulon in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum-Sensing Circuit
Y Lequette, JH Lee, F Ledgham, A Lazdunski, EP Greenberg
Journal of bacteriology 188 (9), 3365-3370, 2006
IscR acts as an activator in response to oxidative stress for the suf operon encoding Fe‐S assembly proteins
WS Yeo, JH Lee, KC Lee, JH Roe
Molecular microbiology 61 (1), 206-218, 2006
A reducing system of the superoxide sensor SoxR in Escherichia coli
MS Koo, JH Lee, SY Rah, WS Yeo, JW Lee, KL Lee, YS Koh, SO Kang, ...
The EMBO journal, 2003
Antibiofilm agents: A new perspective for antimicrobial strategy
XH Li, JH Lee
Journal of Microbiology 55, 753-766, 2017
Biofilm dispersion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
SK Kim, JH Lee
Journal of microbiology 54, 71-85, 2016
Induction of the sufA operon encoding Fe‐S assembly proteins by superoxide generators and hydrogen peroxide: involvement of OxyR, IHF and an unidentified …
JH Lee, WS Yeo, JH Roe
Molecular microbiology 51 (6), 1745-1755, 2004
Nanostructured multifunctional surface with antireflective and antimicrobial characteristics
S Kim, UT Jung, SK Kim, JH Lee, HS Choi, CS Kim, MY Jeong
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (1), 326-331, 2015
Furanone derivatives as quorum-sensing antagonists of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
C Kim, J Kim, HY Park, HJ Park, JH Lee, CK Kim, J Yoon
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 80, 37-47, 2008
The Escherichia coli glucose transporter enzyme IICBGlc recruits the global repressor Mlc
TW Nam, SH Cho, D Shin, JH Kim, JY Jeong, JH Lee, JH Roe, ...
The EMBO journal, 2001
Influence of attached bacteria and biofilm on double-layer capacitance during biofilm monitoring by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
T Kim, J Kang, JH Lee, J Yoon
Water research 45 (15), 4615-4622, 2011
Nitric oxide-releasing chitosan film for enhanced antibacterial and in vivo wound-healing efficacy
JO Kim, JK Noh, RK Thapa, N Hasan, M Choi, JH Kim, JH Lee, SK Ku, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules 79, 217-225, 2015
Cyclic voltammetry for monitoring bacterial attachment and biofilm formation
J Kang, T Kim, Y Tak, JH Lee, J Yoon
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 18 (2), 800-807, 2012
SoxRS-Mediated Lipopolysaccharide Modification Enhances Resistance against Multiple Drugs in Escherichia coli
JH Lee, KL Lee, WS Yeo, SJ Park, JH Roe
Journal of bacteriology 191 (13), 4441-4450, 2009
Purine biosynthesis, biofilm formation, and persistence of an insect-microbe gut symbiosis
JK Kim, JY Kwon, SK Kim, SH Han, YJ Won, JH Lee, CH Kim, T Fukatsu, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 80 (14), 4374-4382, 2014
Growth phase-differential quorum sensing regulation of anthranilate metabolism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Y Choi, HY Park, SJ Park, SJ Park, SK Kim, C Ha, SJ Im, JH Lee
Molecules and cells 32, 57-65, 2011
Anaerobiosis-induced loss of cytotoxicity is due to inactivation of quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
KM Lee, MY Yoon, Y Park, JH Lee, SS Yoon
Infection and immunity 79 (7), 2792-2800, 2011
Perspectives towards antibiotic resistance: from molecules to population
JH Lee
Journal of Microbiology 57, 181-184, 2019
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