Jian-Song Pan
Jian-Song Pan
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Topological superradiant states in a degenerate Fermi gas
JS Pan, XJ Liu, W Zhang, W Yi, GC Guo
Physical review letters 115 (4), 045303, 2015
Symmetry-protected topological states for interacting fermions in alkaline-earth-like atoms
X Zhou, JS Pan, ZX Liu, W Zhang, W Yi, G Chen, S Jia
Physical review letters 119 (18), 185701, 2017
Toward high-dimensional-state quantum memory in a cold atomic ensemble
DS Ding, W Zhang, ZY Zhou, S Shi, J Pan, GY Xiang, XS Wang, YK Jiang, ...
Physical Review A 90 (4), 042301, 2014
Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice with Raman-assisted two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling
JS Pan, W Zhang, W Yi, GC Guo
Physical Review A 94 (4), 043619, 2016
Point-gap topology with complete bulk-boundary correspondence and anomalous amplification in the Fock space of dissipative quantum systems
JS Pan, L Li, J Gong
Physical Review B 103 (20), 205425, 2021
Topological superradiant state in Fermi gases with cavity induced spin–orbit coupling
D Yu, JS Pan, XJ Liu, W Zhang, W Yi
Frontiers of Physics 13, 1-13, 2018
Topological Fulde-Ferrell states in alkaline-earth-metal-like atoms near an orbital Feshbach resonance
S Wang, JS Pan, X Cui, W Zhang, W Yi
Physical Review A 95 (4), 043634, 2017
Quantum Droplets in a Mixture of Bose–Fermi Superfluids
JB Wang, JS Pan, X Cui, W Yi
Chinese Physics Letters 37 (7), 076701, 2020
Non-Classical Correlated Photon Pairs Generation via Cascade Transition of 5S1/2–5P3/2–5D5/2 in a Hot 85Rb Atomic Vapor
W Zhang, DS Ding, JS Pan, BS Shi
Chinese Physics Letters 31 (6), 064208, 2014
Spontaneous formation of polar superfluid droplets in a -wave interacting Bose gas
Z Li, JS Pan, WV Liu
Physical Review A 100 (5), 053620, 2019
Exploring interacting topological insulator in the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
X Zhou, JS Pan, S Jia
Physical Review B 107 (5), 054105, 2023
Width of the confinement-induced resonance in a quasi-one-dimensional trap with transverse anisotropy
F Qin, JS Pan, S Wang, GC Guo
The European Physical Journal D 71, 1-9, 2017
Interaction-induced exotic vortex states in an optical lattice clock with spin-orbit coupling
X Zhou, JS Pan, W Yi, G Chen, S Jia
Physical Review A 96 (2), 023627, 2017
Vortex-core structure in a mixture of Bose and Fermi superfluids
JS Pan, W Zhang, W Yi, GC Guo
Physical Review A 95 (6), 063614, 2017
Interaction-modulated tunneling dynamics in a mixture of Bose–Einstein condensates
M Maraj, JB Wang, JS Pan, W Yi
The European Physical Journal D 71, 1-7, 2017
Emergent -symmetry breaking of collective modes with topological critical phenomena
JS Pan, W Yi, J Gong
Communications Physics 4 (1), 261, 2021
Emergence of the unconventional type-II nambu-goldstone modes with topological origin in bose superfluids
JS Pan, WV Liu, XJ Liu
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 260402, 2020
Emergence of the unconventional type-II Nambu-Goldstone modes
JS Pan, WV Liu, XJ Liu
gas], 2019
Even-and odd-order dispersion cancellation effects in a two-photon interferometer
J Qiu, JS Pan, GY Xiang, YS Zhang, SS Han, YZ Gui
JOSA B 32 (5), 907-911, 2015
Chiral Dynamics of Ultracold Atoms under a Tunable SU (2) Synthetic Gauge Field
Q Liang, Z Dong, H Wang, H Li, Z Yang, JS Pan, W Yi, B Yan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.03612, 2024
文章 1–20